Update on shooting following shoulder surgery

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Jan 22, 2012
NE Kansas
A few weeks ago I posted a question about shooting following shoulder surgery for a torn rotator cuff. Your many responses were helpful. Thank you all. Well, the day has arrived. I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Have gathered as much info as I can and am optimistic that the outcome will be good....at least good enough. A friend and fellow shooter who is also a doctor tells me that the shoulder will not be the same, but the key is regaining as much range of motion as possible.....and eliminating the pain, which at present is considerable and constant. Wish me luck and I'll post progress reports.
Good luck with your surgery. It's going to hurt when you start therapy. Just grit your teeth and do it and do everything at home you are told to do.

A little tip for when you do get back in shape to shoot. Keep the stock off your scar. :thumbup:
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From the OP: "A friend and fellow shooter who is also a doctor tells me that the shoulder will not be the same...".

Shoulder will not the same as what? After I had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff about 10 years ago, my shoulder was better than it had been in over 20 years. 100% range of motion, no more pain, I could once again throw a baseball overhand, and the list goes on. All this most certainly did not happen overnight, it took a full 18 months to reach this point. As has been said many times, do the therapy religiously and don't get in a hurry. Use caution when lifting or torqueing the shoulder, in other words do only what is comfortable. You do NOT want to tear that again before it has a chance to heal 100%. I realize that different people have different results with the same surgery. Not all outcomes are exactly the same. My thoughts are definitely with you for this surgery.
I agree.

I have had both shoulders repaired (along with a knee replacement paying for the sins of my youth I guess).

One shoulder is back 100%. The other I rate at 90%. The limitation is how far I can reach when washing my back.

You sound a lot like my wife before she had her shoulder surgery in January. Stressed out over the pain and recovery. I literally had to force her to have the surgery. She did the p.t. and is very happy with the results. So much that now she tells me she wants to go shooting rather than the other way around.
I've had "5" shoulder surgeries, 3 on the right and 2 on the left.

I've always done my own therapy, ( a pulley overhead with a rope works great ) Started this a week after surgery. Doc said, I wouldn't do any damage if I could stand the pain.

Never lost any range of motion and no pain.

Takes a little longer to shoot a rifle than a handgun. Your shoulder will tell you when it's ready.

Good luck!

getting better. meds help, plus i have a great wife

Nothing like having a great spouse in your corner when times are tough following any kind of surgery! You are indeed fortunate! Here's hoping you have a speedy and successful recovery.
After that surgery I bought a Lead Sled and never looked back, years later I still use it . hdbiker
I had my right shoulder replaced about 10 weeks ago. The pain really wasn’t bad and I was able to discontinue the pain meds after the first day at home. Recovering my range of motion has been a slow process but it is slowly returning.
The worst part of the whole ordeal was wearing that immobilizing sling. I absolutely hated it. I was not able to comfortably sleep in a bed with that sling and slept in a recliner while I wore it. Luckily, I was able to take the sling off after a month instead of the 6 weeks they told me to expect. It was a huge relief.
I was shooting pistols and rimfire rifles after week #6 but haven’t tried centerfire rifles yet. As luck would have it, they have since temporarily closed our national forest to shooting due to fire danger and that restriction will probably stay in place until our monsoons start in early July. I did buy a lead sled in anticipation of resuming my centerfire rifle shooting as soon as it’s allowed.
The only advice I can offer is to do your exercises and PT religiously. It really does matter.
today i cut my pain meds in half. am showering now with no problems. one handed typing blows. will postpone shooting for a few weeks.....no hurry. did get a new rifle, hate waiting. can't fish for sure. my buddy invited me to drink beer and watch NBA playoffs. i can handle that. hiring a house keeper. life is good.
Seven years ago at age 66, I had both rotator cuffs repaired within a six month period. That following spring I bought a compound bow set at 56# and shoot it on a regular basis usually 60-60 shots per session. My offhand pistol shooting has improved. Golf also is now pain free. I follow the doctors advice and stop with the full pushups and pullups and use light weights for my alternate day PT which I have continued with since my surgery. DO YOUR PT and plan for a pain free rest of your life.
Best of luck to you. I had mine done a few years ago. Can’t shoot bolt guns in 308 class without pain
Pretty much stick to AR15’s
Mine was a work related injury and the company fought it for over a year before I got it operated on. Healed incorrectly by then
I am sure yours will turn out fine
short one handed note.......surgery one week ago today.....most pain gone and taking minimal pain med...looking forward to tomorrow; my first post surgery consult. hate recliner sleeping, but it's working out ok. thank you for the notes
My dad had his left shoulder repaired. He didn't follow the rehabilitation correctly. While he doesn't have pain, he can't reach overhead.
had first post-surgery doc visit on friday...all is as expected and looks good. got the pics of before and after...amazing. now have 4.5 weeks of one-handed living. may have to practice left-handed pistol shooting just to hear gun fire....but mag loading will be a nuisance. the good news is i feel good most of the time....annoyed for sure, but generally feeling good. thanks for your support.
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