What gun(s) are you being buried with when you die and why?

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Dec 26, 2003
Assuming, you will be buried and not cremated. But, maybe you can put a pocket pistol in the urn with you.

When I die I'll be buried with my Browning Hi-power. For the simple fact that it's my favorite handgun of all time and my primary carry firearm. Maybe, I'll throw in another gun or two, but it's going to be that at the very least.

What gun are you going to be buried with? What significance does it have for you?

Maybe the gun has sentimental value, it saved your life one day, it saved someone else's life, it was a gift, or it's just so dang purdy.
I have a history written for each significant gun in the collection and would much rather my boys have and enjoy them as my plans for the afterlife don't include any need for self defense or overcoming a tyrannical government. I do hope there is trap up there.
What a waste to bury a gun with the dead. These are objects that should live on, in the hands of somebody else.

Actually, burying objects with the dead ("grave goods") is as tacky and outdated a custom as taking photographs of the dead. Civilized people don't do such things.
I'm planning on leaving them behind. They are actually in my will.
Big mistake. Probated wills are public records, so the whole world will know what guns your heirs have. For ordinary guns, a "letter of instruction" left with your attorney will suffice. For NFA items, you can use a trust or simply rely on your state's rules of distribution (in order to be eligible for tax-free Form 5 transfer, in the absence of disposition by will).
I guess I don't know why I'd want to be buried with a valuable or sentimental item. I'd rather leave them to friends and family so they can appreciate and enjoy them, or sell them if they don't care and buy something they will enjoy. Or I'll sell them off some day and take a trip before I'm too decrepit.

It's all moot for me though. I want to be put in a biodegradable bag and have an oak tree planted on me so it can eat me. I believe in recycling.
Whatever firearms I have at the end of my time here will all go to my nephew, since I have no children. I think it's a bad idea putting guns in coffins, because dollars to donuts, they won't be there when it goes in the ground.

If your gold fillings don't make, guns sure wouldn't!
If that were directed to me, yes. Dead serious.

As a Christian, I live with the premise that The Lord Jesus Christ may return at any time to collect the Church, living or dead. This in I Corinthians 5 : 13~18.

And I believe that time to be very near.

Bob Wright

ummmmm...... perhaps. And perhaps 20,000 years away.
Matthew 24:36 King James Version (KJV)
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

My question, though, is why you would need a gun if you're taken in the Rapture??:confused:
Not a one. I'm not King Tut.

And if I return to a society where guns are needed for protection from criminals or a tyranical government, or to provide food by hunting animals, then I'll be VERY disappointed.
I won't be buried with any firearms for the same reason I won't be buried with the proceeds from my life insurance.
Because I'll be freaking dead. And enjoyable things can only be enjoyed by people who are not dead.
Sorry friend, but I find this to be silly. And I know you're not alone. A lot of folks do this.
Geez, by all the responses, I feel guilty for wanting to be buried with a gun.I don't like feeling guilty so maybe I should gift all my firearms then.I just wanted one, even though I know it's wasteful and I can't do anything with it because I'll be freaking dead.
I just wanted one, even though I know it's wasteful and I can't do anything with it because I'll be freaking dead.

Wasn't meant as a personal attack friend.
You wanted opinions, that's mine.
There is something I want done when I'm gone that most others don't want as well, so you're not alone.
I don't want to be cremated or embalmed. I just want to be buried. No vault, no preservation.
I want to simply return to the earth. I want to decay and have flora and fauna dine on me as I have dined on them while I'm alive. It's nature's way, and it's a good way. I simply want to be recycled back into the universe. I can't think of anything more beautiful or poetic than that. And some folks think I'm crazy. And that's okay.

I've looked into how to do this and it is possible to do so legally, but requires very careful planning.
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