Who Is Buying All the Guns and Ammo?

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Oct 16, 2005
RKBA-Friendly Utah
A partial answer might be found in this survey data:

"More than 1 in 9 registered Democrats recently bought a firearm, according to a late-August Epoch Times Big Data Poll.

Nearly 12 percent of Democrats bought a gun in the past three months, and almost 19 percent of Republicans did so, the poll showed. [Edited by Spats McGee to avoid copyright issues. More information at link.]...."


Note that this survey only asked about gun purchases within the last three months.
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Lots of folks who had no gun wanted one. Lots of folks who had one wanted more than a half-box of ammo for it.

Likely the vast major of gun owners haven't shot it in years, and couldn't make with 50 rounds if their lives depended on it. Some (not all) of them went to buy another box last month. . . and you see what happened.
And there’s still a large number of people waking up in early September deciding they need a gun and/or carry license. I know a few of these people. Better late than never but just barely. Either way, this panic will not let up anytime soon.
Ready eddy,
I'm gonna have to go with no on that one. Just because someone buys a gun doesn't mean they're "with" us.

The people that are buying right now are the same ones that will be telling people that the 2A doesn't define how they vote. They'll also be the first ones to turn their guns in if told to do so.

People that panic buy or buy into the panic aren't the sharpest tool in the shed! The last couple of years have been salad days and people should've stocked up. Those that didn't were lazy or lying to themselves!
Another question is how many of them will want to keep their guns they just bought after the November election? ;)

That will depend on the results and if the results change over the weeks after the election, unfortunately. Also it will depend on if people believe the results. My feeling is new gun owners will be hanging onto their guns for a while.
I thought we wanted all who are qualified to join our ranks as gun owners.
Yes, if it was a sign of unity (in support of the 2nd Amendment, etc.).

I'm afraid that the current gun buying spree is a sign of division. People are choosing up sides. I have a feeling this election is going to rank with the election of 1860 as a harbinger of things to come.
The trend was particularly strong in the 18–29 age group (more than 22 percent), black people (21 percent), union members (nearly 32 percent), urbanites (more than 19 percent), and those earning more than $200,000 (19 percent).

And these number total significantly over 100%, at approximately 113%. I presume this means several categories overlapping? Such as, a 29year old black urbanite.

Yes, and not a good sign for the future of the country. Guns are a symptom, and not the cause, of what ails us.

I purchased two of those guns, so, that is a good sign for my future. I additionally lay claim to no future ails-us for the population. VERY OBVIOUSLY, these were law abiding persons, who passed background checks. I certainly hope the virtual 100% trend continues, whereas said free persons do NOT commit routine crimes with their recent purchases.:scrutiny:
Unfortunately, I see current first time gun purchasers doing it out of fear, not as enjoyment of shooting sports. Good chance they may never shoot the gun or get involved in shooting or hunting.

I hope this election, regardless of outcome, will go down peaceably. Hate to see guns being brought into action in this country post election.
They even bought all the ammo in niche calibers like 357 Sig and 10mm. :scrutiny: (I have those)
Lots of folks who had no gun wanted one. Lots of folks who had one wanted more than a half-box of ammo for it. Likely the vast major of gun owners haven't shot it in years, and couldn't make with 50 rounds if their lives depended on it. Some (not all) of them went to buy another box last month. . . and you see what happened.

Unfortunately, I see current first time gun purchasers doing it out of fear, not as enjoyment of shooting sports. Good chance they may never shoot the gun or get involved in shooting or hunting...

The flip side of that is that despite ammo shortages, here is Dallas the local pistol ranges are seeing an uptick in attendance, Concealed Carry licensing classes are full, and even the rifle ranges are seeing more people, many new, coming in for a tune up or a class.
Demand has far exceeded supply. There is no shortage of guns in my area, if you know where to look. The $500 AR's are now in the $700 range. Prices on other guns have remained mostly constant, but don't expect to find any "great deals" anywhere. Ammunition availability and high prices are the primary challenge here. I think gun sales in general have somewhat stagnated, because the word is out and people know that if they buy that gun, they will have issues feeding it.
I hope that new gun owners who happen to be liberals remember their need and desire for a firearm when they vote on various issues and for various candidates. Violent mobs and riots, and the media coverage of them tend to change one's perspective.

"That never happens in this country." or "That will never happen." is a false premise that I think many ignorant voters cling to. Exercise your rights, and protect yourself in a legally defensible way.
I hope that new gun owners who happen to be liberals remember their need and desire for a firearm when they vote on various issues and for various candidates. Violent mobs and riots, and the media coverage of them tend to change one's perspective.

"That never happens in this country." or "That will never happen." is a false premise that I think many ignorant voters cling to. Exercise your rights, and protect yourself in a legally defensible way.

Take a loot at reddit/r/liberalgunowners . Unfortunately, most of these people are liberal first and gun owners second.

Even with Biden calling for banning ARs and standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds - They will still vote for him.
Take a loot at reddit/r/liberalgunowners . Unfortunately, most of these people are liberal first and gun owners second.
No thanks. I said I hope, not I know. That's all.

I look at it as even if they vote against their own best interests, at least they gave money to a gun company who may then be able to help fund a gun rights organization.
Haven't bought a gun since Jan, but am about to upgrade my Production class gun.

Have purchased about 5,000 rounds since January and have shot about 3,000 of them with the remaining scheduled for practice and competition over the next 3 weeks. Probably get 1,000 more just to be sure. This is just normal for competition season though.
Who's buying? I'm guessing it is the hardcore shooting enthusiasts on this and other forums. It is like clockwork, the hoarding starts when every presidential election nears.

I really don't thing the average person/newbie that decides to by a weapon and a box or two of rounds to go with their gun for self defense are buying thousands of rounds and "stock piling" years of stuff like some folks on the forums. JMO
Frightened people who have begun to lose faith in their Govt. are buying guns and ammo. And their numbers are increasing exponentially. I have never seen anything like this. I walked into a large store the other day that has a huge gun dept. and they had zero guns in the cases and zero ammunition on the shelves and no one working in the gun dept. There was NOTHING LEFT. This is getting spooky.......
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Who's buying? I'm guessing it is the hardcore shooting enthusiasts on this and other forums.
Disagree. There are a lot of first-time buyers that are rushing to arm themselves. That's because they are expecting (and actually beginning to see) the kind of social unrest that they have never seen before in their lives. I'm 75 years old, and I've certainly never seen anything like this before.

The whole "social contract" seems to be collapsing. You have the people in the middle, the so-called "yeoman class" (blue-collar workers, farmers, small business people), feeling beset both from the top (the educated professionals and other elites) and the bottom (the underclass). Each of these three groups is arming itself against the others.

So far they are arming, but not shooting. All it will take will be a spark (a disputed election result?) to start the wholesale shooting.
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