CDC Implements Study on “True Toll of Guns in America” to Help “Identify Trends and Craft Swift Inte

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In these studies, your longtime responsible ownership and lawful use of firearms is NO DIFFERENT than Johnny Hood Rat's straw-man acquisition of pawn shop special by way of his part-time girlfriend last week. You are both American gun owners, and should both be treated as the lowest common denominator warrants.
Oh, well I guess this means the whole COVID thing is over then, since they seem to have extra time and money to waste on things like this.

If the goal is distraction, you must change the distraction once the person you intend to distract has become acclimated to the previous attempt.

When the dog stops chasing the ball because your attempt to make it appear as if you threw it was unconvincing, you have to work on something else. Poor dog would never sleep if you had teams on it, like the politicians do…
Well they came to a conclusion and now they are gathering the information and evidence.

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How can you stand to look at that crap?

sorry, I just can’t deal with fed agencies feeding me this.

CDC was actually pretty cool during Covid, if you ignored all of their press releases and just downloaded their data sets

Real different picture in those data from what was in the news

that said, this new Delta V thing was legitimately rough
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Over the last three decades, "CDC Studies" have all repeatedly discovered that "more guns" does not equal "more crime." And, gasp, "more laws" do not equal "less [gun] crime."
Almost invariably, they discover that there's no "plague of violence" to be found. And that al the proposed "cures" are actually more damaging than the "problem."

Which is why the Left keeps insisting that they provide them studies--they are convinced that if they just ask hard enough, the answer they want to hear will magically appear, drifted over from Nevcerland on fairie wings.
The true toll of guns in America; We haven't been British since 1776, and the Japanese did not invade in WWII because of private gun ownership.

What business does the Center for Digressive Communists have spending our tax dollars on studies that are not related to diseases?

They view guns as a public health 'concern'.
What business does the Center for Digressive Communists have spending our tax dollars on studies that are not related to diseases?

What business? The #1 business numero uno of gov't and it's agencies maintain & grow gov't and it's agencies. Grow early, grow often. Gov't bigger then the private sector in relative growth. All hail, spend.
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