16 gauge: Lee loader or specific press?

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Dec 24, 2018
I dont intend to load 16 gauge all very much, instead i'm going to focus my attention on 12 and/or 20 gauge. But on those smaller calibers, is a lee loader a adequate way to get by loading for them? 12 gauge is the only caliber i'd ever shoot in bulk. 20 gauge and especially 16 gauge I dont see myself ever shooting beyond 20 rounds at a time.

Would I still need a crimping device for the shells? How well of a finished shell does a lee loader produce?
When you say Lee loader do you mean the Lee Load All?

EDIT: actually no, I mean its a hand kit for loading shotgun shells. I swear I saw it a few years ago. Or maybe im thinking of hand tool kits people have crafted themselves for shotshell loading, which would still require a shotshell crimper.
I’m thinking of the Load All. Mostly plastic/resin with an aluminum handle. Lots of flex. Maybe up to the task of occasional use. Not sure how it would size. Been a while since I saw one used in the flesh. Don’t remember it being set up for that. I’m a fan of Lee but this was not one of his better efforts.

Around here I’ve seen them go as cheap as $25-35 used
I found a random individual tool on ebay that loads shotgun shells. its a press type thing, but small and for specific calibers. Very affordable and perfect for what im going for
Wait,just to be clear, this thing is an entire Reloading kit for 16 Gauge?

it might still need a crimp tool to go with it. They also sell those.

Because this is a forum and part of its function is documentation for future reference, im going to drop a screenshot of the product here

It looks like it has provisions for decapping, but i don't see anything for crimping. But a look at their store they sell crimp tools for shells
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