Glock Boiling???

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Feb 23, 2011
Ok, so I know this sounds weird. Has anyone heard about rehydrating the polymer in their Glocks?
I have a Pearce grip extension for my G26. It adds two rounds. When loaded with 12 the number 7 and 9 rounds rattle. I can poke them from the back and they will move back and forth. I called Pearce and they suggested that the polymer needs to be rehydrated. Boiling the mag in water for 15 mins is supposed to rehydrate it.
Ok, So I tried it. I'll post the video on youtube and put a link on here later. As you may have guessed it didn't fix the issue.
I called Glock today and asked them if they had ever heard about the need to rehydrate their guns. They had never heard about it. He put me on hold and asked some others in the office if they had ever heard about this. No one had. I think they thought I was crazy.
The guy from pearce said that an armor had cleaned all of his departments Glocks with a sonic cleaner and some solvent. None of the guns would function properly after. After boiling his own Glock he fixed all the problems he was having with the malfunctions! After boiling the glock mag I could tell that it was softer. When fired the Glocks flex, if it was too dry it could be too stiff?

Has anyone heard of this?
The chemical bonds of the Polymer are not water based and I doubt they react at the temperature of water boiling point.

Sounds like a load of B.S. to me.
Leave the pot boiling. You can cook your snipe in it. ;)

After that, you can go get some new pins for the board stretcher.
I have called pearce twice about this issue and two different people have said the same thing!
I know it sounds like B.S. But he was very convinced!
Boil to clean? It works on many things.

Boil to "rehydrate" a long chain polycarbonate resin? I've got some snake oil if you're buying. It's at my oceanfront vacation home here in CO.....
Ermmm maybe vaseline will help? Just kidding...

I use be a machine operator on a plastic extruder. We made poly gas pipe and I can tell you this, the melting point on the stuff was around 350F and usually had to be closer to 400F to be workable. Now the only water used was to cool the pipe so that we could keep it the size needed, however the plastic itself does not absorb any H2O.
Leave the pot boiling. You can cook your snipe in it.

After that, you can go get some new pins for the board stretcher.

Used to love the board stretcher gag...that and the 4-foot level in the glovebox of the truck.

But seriously, don't boil your glocks. If you want to make soup, try something with some more flavor, like a nice 1911.:neener:
Dog wash.
Either that guy at Pearce is a moron or he's trying to jerk you around. FWIW, I have given a polymer pistol a ride through an ultrasonic cleaner, it worked fine, though I did "re-hydrate" it with some lubricant.
coolluke01 Ok, so I know this sounds weird. Has anyone heard about rehydrating the polymer in their Glocks?
I have a Pearce grip extension for my G26. It adds two rounds. When loaded with 12 the number 7 and 9 rounds rattle. I can poke them from the back and they will move back and forth. I called Pearce and they suggested that the polymer needs to be rehydrated. Boiling the mag in water for 15 mins is supposed to rehydrate it.
Ok, So I tried it. I'll post the video on youtube and put a link on here later. As you may have guessed it didn't fix the issue.
I called Glock today and asked them if they had ever heard about the need to rehydrate their guns. They had never heard about it. He put me on hold and asked some others in the office if they had ever heard about this. No one had. I think they thought I was crazy.
The guy from pearce said that an armor had cleaned all of his departments Glocks with a sonic cleaner and some solvent. None of the guns would function properly after. After boiling his own Glock he fixed all the problems he was having with the malfunctions! After boiling the glock mag I could tell that it was softer. When fired the Glocks flex, if it was too dry it could be too stiff?

Has anyone heard of this?

1. You had a problem with your Pearse grip extension. Taking the advice to boil your Glock is analogous to calling Goodyear when you have a flat and they advise repainting your car. Dump the Pearse extension and go with a different one.

2. Plastic CAN rehydrate. Soft daily and extended wear contact lenses are hydrophilic (water loving) and if allowed to dry out will crack and shatter. Glock frames, mags and parts are not made of a polymer anywhere close to the stuff contact lenses are made.

3. It is possible that what the Pearse rep was having you do was heat the plastic to allow the rounds to stack correctly.....the boiling wasn't to "rehydrate" but to prevent you from melting it in the oven, microwave or with a heat gun.

4. It is also possible that he's pulling your leg.
You can put it in with this and it will not be a complete waste.


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I have heard of people boiling their glock frames in order to make them flexible to fix pig nose, even though there really isnt any reason to fix it.
The mag is not the problem. It sounds to me like your Glock may be pregnant. If you want to be sure, you can have it take an online pregnancy test.

Sounds to me like you need a new mag. If you want extra rounds, there are many mag options for the G26.
Originally posted by Dr. Sandman

The mag is not the problem. It sounds to me like your Glock may be pregnant. If you want to be sure, you can have it take an online pregnancy test.

Sounds to me like you need a new mag. If you want extra rounds, there are many mag options for the G26.

Many options:

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