Well now the gun grabbers in Virginia are taking up the call

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Aug 11, 2010
to exploit the tragedy.

Joe Morrissey of the House of Delegates has stated he will propose a bill to ban "assualt weapons and high capacity magazines" in Virginia. I am sad to say he represents part of my county, luckily I do not live in his district. The ironic thing is, he represents the most rural part of our county, basically the only part of the county where guns are used very often.

I am less scared an AWB will pass in Virginia, than I am of it passing Nationally though. I can't imagine our current governor would sign it, and since the legislature has been busy reversing strict gun laws lately, I can't imagine any proposed bill would make it out of committee.

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Assanine. I hope Virginia remains a pretty gun-friendly (2nd Amendment) state. And that Federal laws do not trump them...
Listening to all of the so called debate that is going on now and I cannot help wondering.
How come that the New England states where the American Revolution started are some of the hardest places to legally get/carry a handgun? Are the "upper class" afraid that us "lower class" will revolt again?
Listening to all of the so called debate that is going on now and I cannot help wondering.
How come that the New England states where the American Revolution started are some of the hardest places to legally get/carry a handgun? Are the "upper class" afraid that us "lower class" will revolt again?

Not too long after the revolution...those guys passed through some rather tyrannical legislation...

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He's just responding to the media drumbeat. Cooler heads will prevail, given enough time. That's why Feinstein, McCarthy, et al., are pushing for something to be passed before the end of the year, in the lame-duck session. Ironically, Obama's call for a study committee, so that nothing can even be proposed before the State of the Union address, at the end of January, works directly in favor of gun owners. After that, the legislative process is time-consuming and complicated.
After McDonell said something about investigating the training arming teachers, I have had so many ignorant people around me say "we shouldn't force teachers to have guns, they are not paid enough for that"

Geeze...guess what HE NEVER SAID anything about forcing them....
Then there was the "more guns in school won't solve anything, Michael Moore tweeted 'if it didn't save his mom, how would it save anoyone else'"

Umm...first of all, quoting Michael Moore, will instantly make me ignore you, second wasn't his mom asleep when he killed her?

People are so freaking ignorant, and they listen to the news media which is more ignorant than them.

Our founding fathers would be absolutely disgusted that legislation is born of such ignorance these days.
Maybe Obama is like Prof. Snape in the Harry Potter movies.
He's evil and we hate him but he turns out in the end to be a good guy.

At least its starting to seem that way when he has the perfect chance to ram-rod gun control though congress, and he passes it off to Biden.
"Joe Morrissey of the House of Delegates"


I just discovered he got his law license back in 2011. He was disbarred by the U.S. District Court in 2001 and his license was revoked by the state disciplinary board in 2003.

Listening to all of the so called debate that is going on now and I cannot help wondering.
How come that the New England states where the American Revolution started are some of the hardest places to legally get/carry a handgun? Are the "upper class" afraid that us "lower class" will revolt again?

What's even more hypocitical is these New England folks sure love being employed by Colt, S&W, Kahr, Sig, et al. :rolleyes:
Here is my letter to both my representatives in the Virginia Legislature.

I sent a similar, but more national oriented message to Mark Warner and Eric Cantor

I am writing today to express my concern with discussion of a weapons ban by the Virginia legislature. I believe any such legislation would be a knee jerk reaction, fueled by media hyperbole and the ignorance of the non-gun owning population of the United States.

The United States Congress has already passed an "assault weapons" ban in 1994. The studies commissioned by Congress, after the law had expired, found that the ban had no effect on crime rate. The massacre at Columbine occurred in the middle of the previous Assault weapons ban, and yet that ban had no part in preventing that tragedy.

After the Virginia Tech Massacre, the commission which reviewed it indicated that an "assault weapons" ban would not have been effective in preventing that tragedy. No weapons which were classified "assault weapons" were used by Cho in that massacre. Cho had multiple 10 round magazines with him, which would not have been effected by the "assault weapons" ban, yet the Virginia Tech massacre remains one of the most deadly attacks in United States history.

Timothy McVeigh killed over 160 people with fertilizer. In China mentally ill people with knives have killed and injured numerous people. Mentally ill people will find ways to commit their crimes regardless of what legislation is on the books. More emphasis needs to made on keeping these people off of the streets, instead of infringing upon the rights laid out by our founding fathers. As a public employee of Virginia I have seen first hand the revolving door of our court system, and the reluctance of police to take the time to arrest dangerously mentally ill people, for what they consider minor incidents.

You may have also noticed the recent and tremendous increase in sales of items which were classified "assault weapons" in 1994. I think this should provide proof, that any further gun control legislation would not be widely popular. It would be a grievous mistake to infringe on the rights of United States citizens, in order to allay the fears of those who are ignorant to the ineffectiveness of weapons bans.

Virginia's own constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. We cannot let misplaced fear, infringe upon the rights of Virginians. This state was founded upon protecting natural rights and the freedom of the people. We cannot allow the freedoms of the law abiding citizens to be stripped, simply to allay the fears of the ignorant. Any "assault weapons" ban would be ineffective at stopping violence, and only effective at eroding the Virginia Constitution.
Alnamvet68 has a point nobody wants to address - when will the big name gun makers leave these restrictive high tax states for Free States like Wyoming, Montana or my own home, Arizona? Ruger seems to do well out here, lots of room for new factories.
Obama passed the gun legislation work to Biden to kill any chance of a Biden presidency in 2016. The 'gun czar' would never be nominated, even after 8 years of boot-licking. Obama threw him under the bus, normally the vice of a 2-term president would expect the party nomination as a given. The friends of Biden have got to be very irritated, he will never have the chance to appoint them to cabinet posts or as ambassadors.
At least its starting to seem that way when he has the perfect chance to ram-rod gun control though congress, and he passes it off to Biden.

Do not, ever, underestimate Joe Biden. He is not the fool the media like to portray. No one could ahve the Senate career he did and be a zero. He has lots of influence and knows how the game is played. He is very dangerous.
+1 to Bubbas comment. Joe Biden is a political veteran. Go back and watch his debate with Paul Ryan. He made Ryan look like a wet-behind-the-ears rookie.
He made himself look like an impolite, overbearing AH
And yet Paul Ryan is not the VP today, and Joe Biden is.

Biden has been a foe of gun owners for as long as I have been politically aware. He is not to be taken lightly.

On a related note, here's the best response I've heard yet on why I "need" a 30 round magazine: "The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution aren't called the Bill of Needs."
He made himself look like an impolite, overbearing AHHe made himself look like an impolite, overbearing AH
Doesnt matter. The fiscal cliff deal didnt come together until Biden got involved. That should tell people something. He wields a lot of power and influence. Be very afraid.
Back on topic - Mr Morrissey is an opportunist and has no credibility in his personal life or in politics. VCDL and the voters will bury him.

McDonald better watch his ratings, Cuchinelli is waiting in the wings for him to misstep.
Back on topic - Mr Morrissey is an opportunist and has no credibility in his personal life or in politics. VCDL and the voters will bury him.

McDonald better watch his ratings, Cuchinelli is waiting in the wings for him to misstep.
Morrissey, McKeachin,... they are all about the publicity. Morrissey is a Law reject who can't even follow the law. Thats why he lost his license for a while. McKeachin is just trying to make a point,... any point that will keep him on camera and make him look like he's doing something. Won't be long before Said El Amin will be on tv spewing his goo too. All of them liberal hacks who all they care about is camera time.
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