Letter of thanks

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Sep 25, 2007
Just sent an email thanking Sen. Kelly Ayotte for standing up for civil rights against the Powerful Anti-gun lobby
from whom she is currently, you should pardon the expression, taking fire.

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Do you have an example of the letter? Other than kind words what else can help her?
Good for you, hopefully some NH folks will do the same and continue to support her.
She's the target of the gun-control lobby and they're giving her a hard time for voting against the UBC bill.

My letter was short and to the point that I appreciated her standing up for my civil rights against the gun-control lobby and, although I can't vote for her, I'll happily send her a contribution when she runs for re-election in '16.

I asked her to put me on her list as a potential (small though it might be) donor/supporter.

When the '14 election rolls around (and, later, '16) we can look at Bloomberg's list as well as the NRA's to see to whom to lend support.

I have been thinking about this. Those of us with "safe" gun-friendly legislators should send not only a thank you letter but a small campaign donation to those who are under siege like Sen Ayotte. A number of $10.00 donations goes a long way, and also helps to counter the idea that its just "industry" who wanted the bill defeated. They might not want "out of state contributions" but money does talk in politics. It buys air time, and newspaper ads and mailers. Put a $10.00 check in with your thank you notes. Please.
Perhaps someone who knows better than I how to do so could start something like a 'fire-mission' to send msgs of support to those legislators being targeted by the gun-control lobby.
She's the target of the gun-control lobby and they're giving her a hard time for voting against the UBC bill.

My letter was short and to the point that I appreciated her standing up for my civil rights against the gun-control lobby and, although I can't vote for her, I'll happily send her a contribution when she runs for re-election in '16.

I asked her to put me on her list as a potential (small though it might be) donor/supporter.

When the '14 election rolls around (and, later, '16) we can look at Bloomberg's list as well as the NRA's to see to whom to lend support.

This goes out to a ton of folks, not just you (and from time to time would include me), but I wish we could get in the habit of calling them the Anti 2nd Amendment crowd instead of the anti gun control crowd.
Originally posted by Texshooter
...but I wish we could get in the habit of calling them the Anti 2nd Amendment crowd instead of the anti gun control crowd.

I call them anti-rights activists. They seem to dislike the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th Amendments.

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