Recall campaign in Colorado

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Someone else suggested this but I did not catch their name. However this would be the perfect headline in the papers tomorrow....

Ready......Aim.....FIRED!! :D:D:D
Awesome win Colorado. My hat (if I wore one) is off to all of you who stepped up and made change.

What we are seeing is the begining of a tide.

The People are fed up with legislators who constantly go against the wishes of those they represent. This is not just about gun control.

We are starting to see more and more people stand up and starting to say NO to these bums.

Anyhow, good job Colorado. Just plain awesome.
Again, as someone who is actually here I'm going to say we pretty much have

Herpin has already said getting the legislation overturned is number one on the list have...and in fine fashion.

What I was trying to say is that its an ongoing thing...I don't like to characterize it this way, but its the best fit I can think of right now...

You've won a battle...but the war is still on.

I was not aware that he had said that...

And no...I'm not there...but I am here, still up and following this even though I have to work in the morning...its important to me too.

Again...Congratulations Colorado!
And at 5:1 funding disadvantage, too! This is not getting a hand slapped for overreaching ... more like getting stabbed in the back of the hand with a fork.

Lol... marvelous news for Colorado!

(Y'all do still get to keep the million Magpul mags, right? :D )
Onward to California! It's gonna be rough, expensive, and heated, but THEY MUST PAY! Lets dump Steinberg, De Leon, and Skinner first, then we might as well toss Rob Bonta, and a few more of their ilk.
Reprise my Yesterday Post:

Colorado State Senators Angela Giron and John Morse (Democrats) face recall elections 10 Sep 2013
The World Wonders:
o Colorado recall a proxy in national gun control debate -
o Early turnout strong in Colorado recall effort on gun-control... -FoxNew
o Colorado voters test power of gun lobby in recall elections ... -Reuters
o Colorado lawmakers who backed tougher gun-control laws face recall - Washington Post
o Colorado recall under way: Will it send a message on gun control? - Christian Science Monitor
o MILLER: Colorado recall election a call to arms against Obama - Washington Times
o Outside money shows national interest in Colorado recall - Denver Post

Update 11 Sep 2013

Colorado Recall Results 2013

Ballot Issue State Senate 3 - Recall Giron
100% reporting
Yes 56.0% (19,355)
No 43.9% (15,201)

Ballot Issue State Senate 11 - Recall Morse
100% reporting
Yes 50.9% (9,094)
No 49.0% (8,751)

And to quote a famous poem, "MAIG at the Bat":
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Bloomberg has struck out.

Giron told The New Republic, "For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that."

from the libertarian pro-2A Volokh Conspiracy:
David Kopel, "The Colorado Recalls Explained", Volokh Conspiracy, 11 Sep 2013.

"It’s one thing for a deliberately polarizing legislator like Morse to lose a close race in a swing district. It’s quite another for Giron to lose by 12 points in a district that is 47% Democratic and 23% Republican. One reason is that in blue collar districts like Pueblo, there are plenty of Democrats who cling to their Second Amendment rights."

from the dyed-in-the-wool Capial L Liberal The New Republic TNR:
Alec MacGillis, "This Local Election Could Determine the Future of Gun Control: Why Michael Bloomberg has gone all-in on a Colorado race", The New Republic, 28 Aug 2013.

Angela Giron: "For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that."
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Awesome job, Colorado! Hopefully this is a wake-up call to some other politicians (although I won't hold my breath).
Someone else suggested this but I did not catch their name. However this would be the perfect headline in the papers tomorrow....

Ready......Aim.....FIRED!! :D:D:D
The title "Recall campaign underway in Colorado" should be changed to ^^^^^
I just got up, but it's gonna be a great day!

Last Sunday's "Tell it to the Chieftain", a man on the street type of feature, showed a HUGE bias towards a No vote. I hope the Chieftain has a huge plate of crow this morning!

Once again proud to be a Puebloan! Thanks, guys.
Congratulations Colorado, but we cannot rest on our laurels, as the gun control crowd still hold positions of power all across the nation. We need to push the liberal Democrats out of power with our votes, and it's not going to be easy.
Register to vote if you have not, as the elections are looming for 2014. The importance of reducing liberal control in the U.S. Senate is likely the key to halting the assault on our Constitution.

Great start! We have to keep voting these people out, because you know, they are gun control and when these Senators are all used up there will be no more.
Organizing the recalls was the first step, getting the signatures for them was the second, this third step of throwing these two out of the CO Senate gives even more momentum to the people of Colorado telling their elected officials that they're job is to represent the people of Colorado and not the power brokers in New York, Chicago, or Washington.

Congratulations Coloradans and keep up the pressure!
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