Another Colorado Recall - Hudak

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We can't be so clueless to think her party wasn't in conference with her and the decision was made to maintain the majority in the CO Senate regardless of her personal desires. These are simple political tactics when a narrow margin controls a legislative house.
Lucky Derby said,

However the push for signatures goes on, double efforts. We don't know if she could rescind the resignation the day after the sigs are due. We must continue.

That tells me that you guys have a good grasp of the strategies and tactics* of the opposition.

Good thinking!

Terry, 230RN

* This being The High Road, I decided to replace the words "low-down slick and slimy dirty tricks" with more diplomatic ones.
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230RN is spot on.

Never trust politicians when they're maneuvering. They're still dangerous even when you think they're done.
When I stopped by today, they said that the Secretary of State had accepted her resignation. The Democratic party now will appoint a successor.

Informally, I was also informed that if she rescinded, there would be a storm of lawsuits.

I think the Democrats would rather have an appointed replacement than risk another high-level storm. That one would probably reach Category 5.

Terry, 230RN
Congratulations Colorado! The best part is that other politicians will no think carefully before risking their careers on anti-Second Amendment votes. I'm glad my modest donations were put to such good work!
A few quick thoughts:

1) I'm very happy that it looks like Evie is no longer going to be the senator that represents me, because she failed at representing me in just about every possible way.

2) Unless I hear otherwise from Mike McAlpine or the other organizers of this recall, I'll continue to encourage people to sign the petition, and seek signatures from others. I don't yet know if it would be possible for Evie to rescind her resignation at the last minute (thereby using this "resignation" as a tactic to cut off our efforts at a critical time in the recall campaign).

3) I'm not the least bit surprised that the resignation route was chosen. I figured this was a foregone conclusion from the very beginning, especially after we spanked these anti-gun legislators in the prior two recalls. There is no way they were going to risk losing this critical seat in the senate. So, while I really wish it had gone that way, I think it was inevitable that it would go as it did. It's still very much a victory, because it sends a loud and clear message about how seriously we take our rights.

Finally, an important question:

We know the Democrats will maintain control until at least the 2014 elections. What is involved in changing the recall process in Colorado? Can the Democrats accomplish this in a normal legislative session, or is this a state constitutional issue that would have to be put to the voters? Because, if I was a betting man, I'd be willing to bet that the Democrats would change the recall process as soon as possible (if they can).
We know the Democrats will maintain control until at least the 2014 elections. What is involved in changing the recall process in Colorado? Can the Democrats accomplish this in a normal legislative session, or is this a state constitutional issue that would have to be put to the voters? Because, if I was a betting man, I'd be willing to bet that the Democrats would change the recall process as soon as possible (if they can).

Changing the recall process in CO would require a change to the state constitution.,_Colorado_Constitution#Section_1
I wonder if the dems might consider appointing an otherwise liberal progun person to her seat. Its a single issue that the dems might just be willing to concede in her district, especially if there is a serious threat of perpetual recalls until a real election is held.

Edit: on the other hand since its an appointment elect-ability might not be a priority and CO could end up worse.
Unfortunate that she resigned rather than allowing a special election to take place. Not too surprising though. They're not willing to risk losing the Senate and undoing all of the "progress" that they've made.
All political maneuvering aside, you set them on their heels, and that is ALWAYS good news. Well done, Colorado!

How much did Bloomberg spend attacking the recall effort?

I believe they asked him not to donate money. The last time he did they lost 2 in the recall and they must have thought that it would be another "out of state interests poured money into the anti-recall" type of thing. A LOT of people don't like Nanny Bloomberg (with good reason).
My aging memory, thinks it remembers reading that several large unions contributed to Evie's cause, but I could be wrong.
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