Recent content by black ridge

  1. B

    NRA_we need more money

    Ive thought about this problem a lot of times. You all know as well as I do there is a lot of major problems in this country, not only our rights being taken away but the prices of food, the fuel problems our jobs being taken away and so many others. I realize what im going to say is very...
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    NRA_we need more money

    My negative words tword the NRA are not tword the cause. Its very sad that the people in this country cant see two foot in front of them to see what would happen if the guns were taken away. The sorry people that kill people are causing all of this. I do know we have to stick together but I...
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    NRA_we need more money

    Thank you Old Fuff. Thats the explaination Ive been looking for. I guess I just asked the question the wrong way. By the way, I am not whining thats the way things are. Open your eyes folks, money is the root of all evil. It will take down any man, even a good man or ORG eventually.
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    NRA_we need more money

    I will not bow down that easy to anything begging me for money
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    NRA_we need more money

    I just want everyone to know that I am 100% pro-gun.I hunt and shoot for recreation. I was raised up in it. It shouldnt even be a question wheather or not we should keep our guns it is our right. I live in the south and guns our very much a part of our heritage. I do vote,I just dont want things...
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    NRA_we need more money

    Listen folks I didnt mean to piss anybody off. Its great that there are ORG out there to PROTECT OUR RIGHTS it just makes me mad that we have to pay somebody to do that and pay them so well. Your never relly sure where the money goes. THATS ALL IM TRING TO SAY.
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    NRA_we need more money

    It sounds to me like you all would empower a baker to no end if you were starving. Dont stand behind something stand beside it.
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    NRA_we need more money

    I just dont know ladies and gentlemen. I always look at big business as the enemy. I always think we are gonna get screwed over in the end by any money ORG. I mean this country this day in time is being built on stealing and its a sad -sad thing that things are the way they are. Just being cautious.
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    NRA_we need more money

    TOADPS. you are 100% right about the numbers. But ill bet you Mr LAPierre is pulling more than 35000 a year.
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    NRA_we need more money

    O.K. thats good enough. I guess im just looking at it the wrong way. It bothers me that we need a multy million non profit org to stand up to the government for us. I just cant give procedes to that, so ill let it go. Thanks for the answers.
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    NRA_we need more money

    Also everybody I talk to has dropped there membership for the same reason.(MONEY)
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    NRA_we need more money

    The NRA is a fine ORG but for the working class people its kinda out in left field. It seems like the money never ends.
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    NRA_we need more money

    I was a member of the NRA for a while and I finally got enough of the constant mail asking for money. The straw that relly broke the camels back was when they were gonna have a drawing for an all expence payed trip on Africa safari with Wayne Lapierre. I work for a living and I know that I will...
  14. B

    Man arrested at LAX for having guns.

    This is the country were living in folks
  15. B

    Should a shooting test be a requirement for concealed carry?

    Anyone planning to carry should have general knowledge before even thinking about getting a permit. There were people in my class that had never even fired a gun before. The class instructor had to teach them at the range. I take this pretty serious, when you go to the firing range and see...