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    • higgite
      higgite reacted to dartor's post in the thread Joke Reproduction Cartridge Box Labels with Like Like.
      LESTERS AMERICAS CHEAPEST AMMUNITION "IT USUALLY WORKS" https://www.amazon.com/Desperate-Enterprises-Lesters-Ammo-Sign/dp/B005D1AS3U
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to barnfrog's post in the thread COAL = OAL? with Haha Haha.
      It is strange to me that I don't consistently use the same abbreviation. When I'm writing out a label for a box of ammunition, I will...
    • higgite
      higgite replied to the thread Stepped cases.
      Same here with a 9mm RCBS lockout die. Can't comment on .380, though, as I don't load it.
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to jmorris's post in the thread Stepped cases with Like Like.
      I have found a properly set powder check die will detect the difference in internal volume of the stepped case...
    • higgite
      higgite replied to the thread Youtube reloaders.
      Any reloading newby who takes what he sees on Youtube as gospel must also a Youtube newby. Not many of that combination around.
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to Alaskamike's post in the thread Youtube reloaders with Like Like.
      I'm still trying to figure out the point of this thread. Is there anything here beyond the OP's rant against youtube? How does this...
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to GeoDudeFlorida's post in the thread Done buying powder! with Like Like.
      I’m down to just four 45-gun safes - and one of them isn’t stacked like cordwood anymore! 😁
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to Captain*kirk's post in the thread Done buying powder! with Like Like.
      "Done buying powder"... I used to make statements like that once upon a time. My most recent one was "done buying guns"...that one...
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to Soonerpesek's post in the thread Done buying powder! with Like Like.
      I need to heed that statement…….. …….but it’s HARD to not buy stuff……!!!!! :cool: :evil:
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to CQB45ACP's post in the thread A semi-serious question! with Like Like.
      I'm retired and very wealthy, live just minutes from NRA HQ range, full year membership $350 unlimited use, my people take care of the...
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to Soonerpesek's post in the thread Youtube reloaders with Like Like.
      In my case that would be a very SMALL cleanup in aisle 5 please..................................... :rofl:
    • higgite
      higgite reacted to DustyRusty's post in the thread Youtube reloaders with Like Like.
      Sure! Isn't that what E=Mc2 was all about? Making things go bang.
    • higgite
      higgite replied to the thread A semi-serious question!.
      No excuses, sir. Life happens. ;)
    • higgite
      higgite replied to the thread Youtube reloaders.
      That's easy for you to say.
    • higgite
      higgite replied to the thread Youtube reloaders.
      I learned reloading by reading reloading manuals and paying attention on forums like this one, NOT from Youtube yahoos. That said, I DO...
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