Recent content by JRedHorse

  1. J

    I almost forgot how much fun it is....

    Big Fan of Big Booming Guns! The bigger they are ,the harder they bite, the deeper I love them BIG BOOMING guns, pistols, long guns, and my very favorite Shot guns !
  2. J

    ever buy a gun after reading an article on it?

    All my guns start with.... Every firearm I own started out as an article, review or ad. I do research on line, in print and friend recommendations, it saves me a lot of headaches and I have never regretted any of my purchases.
  3. J

    Heretic time. I don't own an AR am I the only one?

    I do not own an AR, and I'm still living! I have nothing against AR-s I just prefer a ranch style in my long guns.