Recent content by locnload

  1. L

    Firearms Trainers Association

    Has anyone had any experience with this fairly new organization? They had initially put out several videos, and FTA is the creation of some respectable trainers, Jeff Gonzalez, Larry Vickers, and Ken Hackethorn among them. They offered a reasonably priced liability insurance package for...
  2. L

    Database for State CCW and LE Shooting Qualifications

    As I run across information on the qualifications test required by various States, I cut and paste it into a Word document in hopes of getting a list of what is required to obtain a concealed carry permit in a variety of States. Of course all have LE requirements, but CCW test can run from...
  3. L

    How do you pack you ammo to the range.

    I most often use Zip Lock bags, particularly for training classes. I put 100 rounds in a sandwich bag, it makes it easy to keep track of how much I have on hand. If I buy bulk ammo its easier than packing around an ammo can with 500 or more rounds, and if I buy 50 round boxes, I don't pack all...
  4. L

    Aftermarket trigger for a S&W M&P 9

    I have a first generation M&P 9, and I like it a lot because of its ergonomics, 17+1 capacity, and dependability. But I am generally a Glock guy, and have just never been a fan of the M&P trigger system. I understand that the 2.0 versions are said to have a much nicer trigger, but I'm not ready...
  5. L

    Have you sold a gun for charitable reasons?

    I once worked with a young man that really wanted to go deer hunting, not just for the sake of the hunt, but to put meat in the family freezer. He was not making a very high hourly wage but took all the overtime he could get. He had a wife and two young children. He had gotten his Hunter Safety...
  6. L

    Staying Safe at the "Gravel Pit" or other Shooting Spot

    Although I seldom carry a BUG as part of my daily concealed carry, when I am out shooting on public land or even our local "members only" range, I always have a second gun on me. Maybe a pocket pistol, or a second gun under my shirt in a "support side" holster. Also a good chance to practice a...
  7. L

    Training at Gunsite

    OK, thanks for helping me make up my mind. I was starting to plan for a class in May but had to put a new transmission in my pick up so there went my bonus from work, and then some. Maybe I can go in June. Hope its not too hot there that time of year.
  8. L

    Training at Gunsite

    I have always heard that training at Gunsite is "life changing" and from talking to people who have, that it is worth it. Gunsite is on my personal "bucket list" and I'm thinking that this year may be the time to do it. I just had my 67th birthday, I'm still working so I can afford it, and I...
  9. L

    Never again

    First of all John K, great analogy with the coin toss. I liken it to the chances of winning life changing money in the lotto, I know relatively few people that regularly carry a defensive firearm, but I know lots of people who buy their lotto tickets every week. Many would walk to the 7-11 in a...
  10. L

    Using a ground blind

    I have never owned or used a ground blind before but age is taking its toll on my mobility and ability to stay comfortable and not squirm while watching for game. So, its time to bite the bullet and choose a blind that I can use mostly for turkey and antelope hunting with rifle or bow. Ideally...
  11. L

    Will the ATF that is a Federal agency, enforce laws passed only by a State?

    A couple years back, Colorado passed some anti gun, "feel good" legislation, written by urban dwelling air heads, with the backing of Michael Bloomberg, and against the advice and wishes of all but two of the State's elected County Sheriffs. It covered the two biggest hitters on the Progressive...
  12. L

    Training Scenarios & Drills

    I'm a big fan of Bill Wilson's 5 X 5 handgun skills test, you can easily find the specifics on line. It requires one standard IDPA target, gun, spare mag, holster, 25 rounds of ammo, and a shot timer. You can even do it with a 5 shot wheel gun. Its a great way to measure your improvement...
  13. L

    Bumper stickers I'd like to see ...

    Good Ol Boy, I just recently saw one of those on an SUV north of Denver, very cool. I want one with a picture of the the Patriot, only with an AR instead of a Musket, and the DC skyline in the background. The caption would be, "Don't make us come up there" like you would say it to your kids. ;)
  14. L

    'Top Gun' star Kelly McGillis says she's 'armed and ready' after home invasion

    To be "rushed through a Concealed Carry class doesn't necessarily mean it was a "rubber stamp" operation. As an NRA Instructor I teach a few Concealed carry classes. I'm not in it for the money, so I like to do small groups with similar levels of experience when ever possible. It allows me to...
  15. L

    My thoughts during 20 seconds before I realized I had accidentally set off home alarm

    Kind of funny, in a coincidental sort of way, its 0400 here, and I'm wide awake because our alarm system, an 8 pound dog, has alerted me to the presence of something she thought I needed to be aware of. We live in a rural, mountain area and most of our "nightime visitors" are in the form of...