Recent content by munangokeewati

  1. M

    Atlanta pepper spray/pocketknife laws?

    Thanks for the replies. Two inches! I don't think I have a pocketknife with that small a blade. Are the quoted length limits for carry, or would they even apply inside luggage or a hotel room? Are double-edged boot knives legal there? I checked Delta's baggage requirements. To my dismay...
  2. M

    Atlanta pepper spray/pocketknife laws?

    I have to make a business trip to Atlanta. CCW is out of the question because of airplane security hassles. Can anyone tell me the legality of pepper spray in Atlanta and Georgia generally, and what pocketknife laws pertain. (Yes, I know anything of that sort would have to go through in...
  3. M

    NRA Amicus Brief

    The NRA financed several other briefs that showed up today (sorry, not sure which ones--read too many). Good use of some of my money.
  4. M

    A pretty good article on the 2nd Amendment in our paper this morning

    As I understand it -- check with a knowledgeable historian to be sure -- the present numbering of the amendments in the BOR reflects the order in which they were ratified.
  5. M

    NRA doesn't want Supreme Court to hear 2nd Amend Case

    NRA Rules The notion that the NRA is doing nothing significant to support the Second Amendment is simply uninformed. In just the last couple of years -- Expiration of the "Assault Weapons" ban Lawful Commerce Act (restricting lawsuits) Emergency Confiscations Act (no New Orleans style gun...
  6. M

    Democrats, NRA reach deal on gun bill

    NRA Derangement Syndrome The level of distrust and misunderstanding here is very disheartening. Much of this reflects the same mindset that gave us a Democratic congress that would love to pass national registration, a new AWB, etc. Better to support a candidate (or organization) you agree...
  7. M

    Let's call them what they are MODERN.

    I've been calling them Home Defense Weapons for sometime now. That's what most of us intend them for--home and neighborhood defense, as in the aftermath of Katrina and the LA riots. Modern Home Defense Weapons has a nice ring to it.
  8. M

    Judge denies New Orleans motion to Dismiss

    Documents found I finally found some of the relevant documents at Hugh, you're right about one of the purposes being to probe 2A incorporation. This is from page 6 of the original complaint: --...
  9. M

    Judge denies New Orleans motion to Dismiss

    Link? Could someone post a direct link to the document? I can't figure out how to get it without logging in and perhaps paying a fee. Thanks.
  10. M

    Scottish Sword ban

    Huh? I thought England already had severe laws against carrying what we in most of the USA would consider ordinary pocket knives. And just who are these gang members who commit most of the "blade crime" in Scotland? Are they native Scotts, or the decendants of recent immigrants? For that...
  11. M

    Louisiana passes Castle Doctrine

    A week or two ago Gov. Kathleen Blanco signed Act 141 ( clarifying self-defense law. (It really isn't very different from current law, but spells out that there is no duty to retreat.) Now the Governor has signed Act 786...
  12. M

    New Orleans Warren Riley at it again!

    A large percentage DIDN'T vote for this group of politicians, and even those that did, didn't have a whole lot of choices to pick from. Additionally, some of us live in the surrounding area and occasionally have to venture through Orleans Parish. And letting any jurisdiction get away with this...
  13. M

    New Orleans Warren Riley at it again!

    This morning on WWL radio, New Orleans Police Chief Warren Riley stated that he would not confiscate guns during any future Katrina-like emergency. However, he assured listeners, his officers would question anyone found with a firearm and confiscate the weapons if that person could not prove...
  14. M

    "Stand your ground" and "No Confiscation" Laws

    Louisiana Louisiana No Emergency Gun Confiscations, just signed by Governor: (a weak bill, without enforcement provisions) Louisiana Castle Doctrine, just signed by Governor...
  15. M

    How did Nagin get re-elected?

    New Orleans voters Here's as good an answer as any: "Nagin´s New Orleans: A Chocolate City With A Vanilla Twist" ... Landrieu represented the National old-line Democrat machine, and would probably have been even worse. Nagin, as...