Recent content by neby98

  1. N

    bedside gun

    P99 tlr streamlight, 1300 defender not too far a way.
  2. N

    Securing the house

    Looks idea for some some one to tag. Once a criminal gets over the fence they can work all they want out of eye shot. If the cops come they have a good position from which to defend. Castles work both ways. CEPTED classes are most likely offered in your area. Might help with your defensive...
  3. N

    Glock-one in chamber or not?

    I like 500 dollar paper weights as much as the next guy.... wait no I don't.
  4. N

    Why Did America Win the Race for a Semi-Automatic Infantry Rifle?

    Part of the puzzle is that we attempted to stick with bolt action rifles too long, seeing that they didn't work that well in ww1 was a wake up call, if I recall my college history class correctly.
  5. N

    What's your favorite knife brand?

    I love TOPS knives, made in idaho.
  6. N

    The "Best Place on Earth" for gun owners?

    Lawless parts of the world perhaps?
  7. N

    mini-14 as a battle rifle

    The British used the mini 14 as a battle rifle for a while. At least that's what wikipedia says.
  8. N

    You're carrying and the store detector goes off

    I'd just keep walking unless someone stopped me, first and second, I wouldn't worry about it, if you haven't stolen anything, and things go south you might actually walk away from the situation with a nice check from the company. Seriously though I wouldn't worry because they've been watching...
  9. N

    Parting shot with Dad

    I lost my Dad on the 2nd. I feel for you.
  10. N

    War vetrans

    PTSD? We don't really have much in the way of public mental health services, that would keep the mentally ill off the street. If it's true about vets, then maybe it's the stuff a great many of them have to face because they made it out.
  11. N

    Welcome To North Idaho (pics)

    I live in caldwell, but I've been up there a couple of times. It's a great place in the summer time with the lake and all. Plus this state is so gun friendly it smells like freedom.
  12. N

    Telescopic Baton 21" - proper closing

    hit the heel of your shoe then rotate and hit it again. Takes about a minute. If it's an asp baton. Also you can simply smash it into something hard, won't hurt it.
  13. N

    another post apocalyptic zombie story

    More? This is decent writting.
  14. N

    Keeping a gun in an apartment with roomates

    Idaho... where even the hippies have guns. To quote my room mate in college. I'd get a safe and keep it loaded. I kept people out of my half of the house in college, as I had quite a number of firearms with me.
  15. N

    All time best shooter related quotes?

    Well I might catch hell for this, but I think it's funny. I also had a chat with my friend after this, which was basically don't ever do that again. New years Eve this last year, I was hanging out with about 6 of my friends from my old college, two of which are over 250lbs. One of my friend...