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    • P
      peels replied to the thread Priming pistol brass question.
      Agreed. Strength is not the issue, it's the repetition of said strength... My progression of how I ended up with a bench primer...
    • P
      peels replied to the thread Priming pistol brass question.
      Another vote for the RCBS bench primer. I like that it have great seating feel. Minimal effort to apply extra force with tight primer...
    • P
      peels replied to the thread VV 320 9mm 124 gr Berrys RN.
      The load at 3.7 was fairly accurate. But I chose 4.1 as the final load. Recoil felt better and no worries of cycling issues at the 1.135...
    • P
      peels replied to the thread VV 320 9mm 124 gr Berrys RN.
      Same thing happened to me when loading vv320 for the first time. I was using Montana gold 124 JHP at 1.135 COL with worked up loads from...
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      peels replied to the thread Auto trickler v4.
      Ahh, yes, the luxury of auto powder dispensers, especially one with speed and high accuracy! Congrats on your procurement! For those...
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