Recent content by Piratesailor

  1. Piratesailor

    TX gun laws? and things I'm missing

    Compared to the PRoM (my brother lives there and calls it the peoples republic of Massachusetts) Texas will be a breath of fresh air. Yeah no open carry yet but besidesthe post office, schools, bars and hospitals, you can carry wherever they don't post a 30.06 sign. That's the sign that...
  2. Piratesailor

    Is it even worth arguing with the Anti's?

    Short answer... Nope. Don't waste your breath.
  3. Piratesailor

    Recommend a cc pistol...

    Xds or my favorite, the xd9sc.
  4. Piratesailor

    What 's on your soon to buy list

    A .308 for longer range shooting and I'd really like a Walther PPQ.
  5. Piratesailor

    What non-firearm weapons do you have?

    My wife.. Does that count? I've a ouple of hatchets and a boomerang that I sort of know how to use. Years ago I was shown how to kill or at minimum disable someone with a folded newspaper. At the time it was the NY times. Appropriate. Guess I forgot the gurka knife...
  6. Piratesailor

    Securing your collection: Safes, GPS, Cameras, etc

    If they get past the three dogs, 2 pits and a chihuahua, AND my mother in law... They can have them. The chihuahua is vicious. Well, I guess they'd have to then break into a safe, etc.
  7. Piratesailor

    Where do you live? And why?

    I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as quick as I could. Been here 20 years now and this is the great state where I'll be planted. Before making it to Texas I lived in 6 states, 2 countries and visited all 48 continental unites states. Although there are so many gorgeous states and places, I...
  8. Piratesailor

    Springfield XDs Recall

    I've been following this recall, as an xds owner and a businessman, and SA has handled this recall poorly (huge understatement). Poor communication (or even zero communication), lack of transparency which is critical to protect the brand in a crisis/recall and inconsistent messaging. Will...
  9. Piratesailor

    Can you shoot them all good?

    I shoot all my guns to stay proficient but I practice more and harder with the one I carry every day. I don't rotate guns.
  10. Piratesailor

    Saiga in 7.62x39

    Price is high but not outrageous. $300 or was the old norm. Get and convert it. Great guns that you'll love.
  11. Piratesailor

    "geolocate" app for tagging "irresponsible" gunowners

    Just tag every address in California. It'll make the data useless.
  12. Piratesailor

    Gadsden Flag Tribute

    Wow those are very nice.