Recent content by prplflh71

  1. P

    Return from Thunder Ranch

    Thanks for the effort! I'm still in first, a snow ball fight photo is a close second! Send the link to anyone you know that may have a Facebook account and be willing to vote! Appreciate your time! Yes, it was an eventful night! The Sig P238 felt very small in the situation! I'm switching back...
  2. P

    Return from Thunder Ranch

    Oregon. Texas is no longer having classes. Beautiful country!
  3. P

    Return from Thunder Ranch A picture of me about to enter "The Terminator!" When I came out my hands were drenched in sweat and the double diamond grips of my 1911 were distinctly imprinted in my hand! I loved every minute of training and can't wIt...
  4. P

    Return from Thunder Ranch

    Just returned recently from my first defensive handgun class at Thunder Ranch. Sadly, Clint and Heidi were out for an unplanned medical issue and I didn't have an opportunity to meet them. The class was lead by a very capable "mini-Clint," Jason Burton of Heirloom Precision. Much was learned...
  5. P

    Gun battle on the Starbucks FB Page!

    Well said! Thank you.
  6. P

    Gun battle on the Starbucks FB Page!

    I agree. This started as many of us pro-rights folks dropping in to the Starbucks page to show support during a time when a boycott was called against them for simply following local laws. The anti's have bullied there way into the posts on the page, insistent on spreading lies and attacking the...
  7. P

    Gun battle on the Starbucks FB Page!

    Was I wrong in assuming I could post a request within the "Activism" area of this forum a request to call to action pro-rights activists to provide civil counter arguments to a paid anti-gun lobbyist who is using a public forum to attack our Second Ammendment Rights? Like I said before, "A...
  8. P

    Gun battle on the Starbucks FB Page!

    Please take the time to visit Starbucks FB page and thank them for "sticking to their guns!" The Director of Communications for The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (formerly The Coalition to Ban Handguns) Ladd Everitt, has been on their page since the failed boycott attacking gun right and...
  9. P

    How many extra mags do you carry?

    1911, two spares BUG/J-Frame, five in the cylinder, two speed strips
  10. P

    M&p 340

    Get it while you can! Email below received this evening says Buds now has at least one 340 CT in stock....cheaper than I paid for mine!:cool: Hi, Your wish-list item at is now available for purchase: Name: S&W M&P340CT 357 17/8 CTGRP Black Model: 163073 Bud's Item...
  11. P

    M&p 340

    I'm on it! Laser makes it interesting! On another note, anyone catch the October issue of Guns Magazine? Page 8 has a "BUG Drills" article by Massad Ayoob. In the photo he's sportin' a fine M&P 340!:D
  12. P

    M&p 340

    Got It! Picked it up Tuesday.....haven't put it down since! This thing is sweet! Hell my wife even commented "nice", with a grin. This comes hard to her since she is the CFO of the household (literally). We got our CCW permits together but she's still unarmed (and yes I've offered up my...
  13. P

    M&p 340

    Today's the day! My 340 CT should at my dealer soon!
  14. P

    M&p 340

    Dealer called me today, said my 340 CT should be in my hands by Tuesday. Been over three months! I can't wait!