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    • RugRev
      RugRev reacted to dranrab's post in the thread Can't decide about a 10mm with Like Like.
      I love revolvers. Not that buying guns has to make sense, but when it comes to the 10 in a revolver, I can't get it close enough to...
    • RugRev
      RugRev reacted to CraigC's post in the thread Can't decide about a 10mm with Like Like.
      The 10mm GP has failed to blow my skirt up much. It's cool but would be better rechambered to 10mmMag but then you're still stuck with...
    • RugRev
      RugRev replied to the thread I guess I don’t like my wrists..
      I guess I should kick myself even harder. I had a .45 Colt Mtn. Gun and had Walt Sherman down in Florida do one of his roller action...
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