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  1. S

    Please Share Your Baby Eagle Experiences.

    I own a compact in 9mm, for the money its by far the best gun I own. I would rate it with any big names like HK and sig as far as quality and reliability. Never had any hiccups even while breaking it in. I also find it to be a natural pointer with good stock sights, I can consistanly hit...
  2. S

    Revolver Picture Thread of All Time

    My taurus model 66 :)
  3. S

    Your Experience with Taurus Revolvers

    I am currently having those same binding problems on my 66... Its just goofy, it binds after a few rounds...when it gums up I unload it and work the moving parts loose and the gun shoots great for another 100 rounds. :uhoh: But to be fair, I picked it up used and it looked to be in good...
  4. S

    New Springfield EMP!

    Funny thing about all this fuss and hype...I think this has been done several times by several manufacturers over the years and they get no praise or their asses kissed. Now I pick up a gun rag or read on a message board about the hot new Springfield. I have a single action Astra A-70 that...
  5. S

    Astra A70, need help with spare parts.

    I bought it last week and it seems in good shape for a used gun. But I am curious. Since the maker Astra is no longer in business, what would be the best way to get spare parts or repairs for my gun? :uhoh: I found some places on Google but I don't think it has all my bases covered so to...