Recent content by Slipknot_Slim

  1. S

    Home Defense Rifle

    I've got an AR that I use. I would think that you would have to be an unusually determined home invader to continue advancing on somebody armed with an AR. Hopefully, I'll never have to find out and can continue to have fun shooting paper with it.
  2. S

    Who Do You Boycott?

    I don't really boycott anybody. There are some places that I refuse to shop for one reason or another. Eventually some of them go out of business because apparently enough other people feel the same way about them as I do.
  3. S

    Why are they trying to ban online ammo purchases?

    The ultimate goal is to limit the quantity of ammunition that you can purchase over a particular period. Buying in person will better allow the government to track individual purchases and perhaps establish a registry of who has what and how much of it they have. It's also impossible to verify...
  4. S

    Maybe a dumb question, but I has always bugged me

    I think it's because in some states (particularly in the northeast), you have to have a "permit" just to be allowed to purchase some guns. It's not a permit to carry just a permit to purchase. I think the newspaper is publishing the names of those permit holders.
  5. S

    Tax stamps for ammo being withheld

    Tennessee has a separate tax on ammo and each box has to have a tax stamp on it. I don't think there's a conspiracy to withhold stamps considering how gun friendly Tennessee is. I think it's just a situation where the sudden demand for ammo exceeded the number of stamps available. If everyone...
  6. S

    Carry At Work?

    If my company's policy forbid carrying at work, and I valued my employment, I would not carry at work. If I chose to ignore company policy and carry anyway, I wouldn't publish my decision on the internet even if I thought I was doing it anonymously.
  7. S

    Would You Be OK If Your Name/Address Was Published As A Gun Owner?

    I couldn't have said it better and won't even try. You're right. That's exactly what it is.
  8. S

    Taking a gun to work?
  9. S

    Dianne DeGette (D, CO) to Introduce Magazine Ban in the House

    You could be right. Still, in the days of the internet and instant news, you would think it would be somewhere. Tomorrow will tell.
  10. S

    Dianne DeGette (D, CO) to Introduce Magazine Ban in the House

    I can't find any record of any bills being introduced in the House today. Not one. I think most of the day was spent getting the speaker reelected. These folks really don't work a lot of overtime if they can help it.
  11. S

    A Marine's letter to Feinstein.

    I've never been a Marine either, but I shared a military base on Okinawa with a few. They are a proud group of individuals, but they get up too early in the morning for my taste. Go Army!!
  12. S

    A Marine's letter to Feinstein.

    If you ever talk to a Marine, they will proudly tell you that there are no "former" Marines.
  13. S

    Dianne DeGette (D, CO) to Introduce Magazine Ban in the House

    I can't find it either. I checked Thomas under her name. Nothing.
  14. S

    Fed v State law

    The federal government hasn't stepped into the drug fray much because that's not a fight that Obama wants. But watch how the federal government stepped in when some states bucked his immigration plans. Look for another fight if states try to get around his new gun laws.
  15. S

    Taking a gun to work?

    Once again, it depends on the individual state. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. Otherwise there would be no need for legislation like this.