Recent content by Stand_Watie

  1. S

    Updates on case of SC man who shot Deputy

    Mr. Rye, I watched quite a bit of the highlights of your second trial yesterday and today. I'll say this, I don't know the actual facts of what really happened, and I guess that only you and Odam's two buddies do really know with certainty. If I'd been on the jury, I'd have been inclined to...
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    "Deer hunting may put men's hearts at risk"

    That's one way to put it. You show me a 450 lb man who isn't (very) fat and I'll show you a ten foot tall man or an eight foot tall bodybuilder..
  3. S

    "Deer hunting may put men's hearts at risk"

    "Deer hunting may put men's hearts at risk" Duh. Yeah this is right up there in the category of the headline which reads "vigorous exercise may put men's hearts at risk" Any MD from the past, let's say 300 years or so, and any hunter/gatherer/farmer with a lick of common sense for the...
  4. S

    Interesting facts on African hunting, just what PETA doesn't want you to hear!

    H&H: as someone who has hunted elephants, I expect that you're much more knowledable, and much more caring for elephants than the average "elephant lover", I'd call myself that. As such, I highly recommend that you watch "Mutual of Omaha's recent production on "pygmy elephants of Borneo"
  5. S

    Baby stroller dedicated rifle

    I agree with the .22 rifle idea, unless you have concerns of larger rabid/dangerous animals than raccoon/fox sized, in which case you might want something bigger. A lot easier to safely/cleanly dispatch a rabid skunk with a rifle than a pistol. If your neighborhood is rural enough you...
  6. S

    Dying young isn't glamorous.

    She looks quite peacefully asleep to me AND she seems to have extremely pretty/well manicured fingers/nails. I'd go with a slightly more gruesome picture for your intent, and see if you can sell that excellent photo to Nytol (without the hand) and to a nail care firm (just the hand).
  7. S

    Electrical wizards - could stun guns be lethal weapons if manufactured specifically..

    with the intent to kill? No particular reason for the question, except I just saw a video of "Chad Vader, day shift manager", and it made me question if we have current technology that is "light saber" equivalent in terms of lethality. To restate the question, could you put the...
  8. S

    What information is missing? / What should I write next?

    Excellent. I just bookmarked it for myself and referred a potential new female shooter to it when she asked advice about gun purchasing. She's about to get jumped by a bunch of huffledy puffledy macho guys who think they know it all (on the internet forum she's on I mean) and hopefully will be...
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    Help me build a safe shooting range.

    Along the lines of what nplant said, I know for a fact that worn out old tires are free, and that they will actually deflect and absorb sound.
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    Got Made (Kind of) While CCWing at Work - How to Proceed?

    You should very nicely and politely say to him (when you're all alone), "I'm a little embarrassed about this, but I was afraid you'd mention it again in front of other employees {and I really am embarrassed about this} - the clips are to hold my colostomy bag".
  11. S

    Questions for the cops here.

    That was exactly my thought when I first read dragongodess reply. I was a cop "wannabee" for several years, and those were exactly my questions that I'd have asked on a gun forum at the time (if I'd known what the internet was). I'd have asked other questions on other topic forums. If state...
  12. S

    Help me build a safe shooting range.

    Simple Man, do not be discouraged. You bought your property, you're entirely right to feel that you should be able to enjoy it as you wish within reason. First things first, what is your state/county so that our forum members who live there can advise you regarding the LE agencies in your area...
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    Questions for the cops here.

    Well, in a sense that is true. As well as the fact that the NYPD may post signs that say "N***** don't let the sun set on your ass". That they may prevent registered voters from voting. That they may sodomize suspects in the police restroom with broomhandles (that one actually happened). That...
  14. S

    Market for class III; late 1960's Thompson sub-gun by auto-ordnance?

    A friend is selling one and I'd like to give him recommendations for best advertising methods?
  15. S

    dfw gun shops

    What are you looking for? If you looking at bottom line prices on common model guns, hit any of the gun shows and go to the AJC, Schramms and (one other that I can't remember right now, I'll edit later when I think of it) tables.