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    • Stevie-Ray
      Stevie-Ray replied to the thread steel targets.
      Ours are roughly 60 feet. But there's some different ways of setting them up. We have 4" PVC pipes in the ground, in differing...
      • 20190930_095922.jpg
      • 20190930_101650.jpg
    • Stevie-Ray
      Stevie-Ray replied to the thread The Knock-Out Game.
      Yeah, that's the reason I live where I live now. The Detroit area was not conducive to carefree living. Isn't it simply aggravated battery?
    • Stevie-Ray
      Stevie-Ray reacted to Kleanbore's post in the thread The Knock-Out Game with Like Like.
      The likelihood of the risk depends upon where you are, who you are, and when you are exposed.
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