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    • WheelGunMan
      WheelGunMan reacted to Some_Mook's post in the thread How many firearms do you own with Like Like.
      I feel your pain. Speaking from experience, you never get over a loss like that, so stay strong my friend, and you will eventually be...
    • WheelGunMan
      WheelGunMan replied to the thread LCP Max??.
      I've owned two LCP Max's...the original (early 2023) operated flawlessly but would not eject a live round without a lot of work to clear...
    • WheelGunMan
      WheelGunMan replied to the thread Speed strips.
      Speed loaders are certainly quicker but cumbersome to carry and difficult to conceal. Speed strips are easily concealable (I carry...
    • WheelGunMan
      WheelGunMan replied to the thread Why Do You Carry A Gun?.
      I carry a firearm for self defense because I choose NOT to become a victim.. others mileage may vary.
    • WheelGunMan
      I bought mine in 1970 (Belgium made) as my primary deer hunting rifle and have never regretted it; The action is glass smooth and the...
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