PODCAST WHICH ONE's do you like?

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Oct 20, 2011
Ok guys I am getting into podcasts can you recommend some good podcasts about guns thanks
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk is number one on my list of gun podcasts. Once a week, 3 hour radio program plus a 20 minute after show. Posted on Sunday nights.

Number two on my list is NRA News. Three hour daily show Monday-Friday. Posted about 7 pm each weekday.

Both available through iTunes
Handgunworld podcast by Bob Mayne is one of my favorites. Bob is just a regular guy. Bob is now up to some 300 podcasts so you are going to have to spend some serious time to catch up.
Here's a few of my favorites (really help pass the time when doing yard work):

1. ProArms - Massad Ayoob and company.
2. Lock N Load with Bill Frady - lots of good gun related stories from various sources, and he has a number of SD lawyers on quite often.
3. Second Call Defense - just started, and only 3 podcasts so far (if you like the legal stuff, and you should!).
4. Tom Gresham's Gun Talk - lots of good info, but Tom's demographic is getting a little too old!? I love hearing the old guys call in and swear it's against the law to carry a firearm in a commercial truck - Tom must have gotten a million of these, and he probably pulls his hair out every time he gets another one!
5. Handgun World - I guess it's OK?
6. 2A Today - OK for background listening?
7. Ballistic Radio - OK for background listening?
My favorite would have to be "Down Range Radio" with Michael Bane. Only problem with the show is that for some reason, he feels the need to play three (3) full-length songs throughout the show, often from really "out there" groups. I just fast forward over the songs. He is a fantastic commentator, very humorous and energetic while being also being humble and honest. Ads are kept to a minimum, and he just has a lot of great things to say and it's just plain entertaining. He hasn't made a show for a while though.

I also really like "Gun Guy Radio", firearms talk without the politics (their slogan). They have one main topic per show and go really in depth. I've learned more about guns from that podcast than any of the others.

I honestly have to say... and I'm sure many will get mad at me for saying this... but while I do in fact listen to Tom Gresham's "Gun Talk", it's my least favorite. I like Gresham and he does amazing things for the firearm's community, but I've found the show to be repetitive and heavily laden with advertisements. They have a ton of commercials, and more than half of their guests are just people pushing their product. Tom can also be somewhat arrogant at times, I've caught him cutting people off only to deliver a wrong fact as a counterpoint etc. etc. I also don't like the "after show", they play it up as edgy but it's really not and I can't stand the gal's voice who is on the after show.

Those are the main three I listen to "on the regular" as it were.
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