Alaska Father/Son Duo Kills Bears In Den

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Jul 5, 2007
South Western, OK
They found a denned sow and two cubs. They were not aware the den contained a camera with audio capability. The bear slayers face some serious charges, including felonies.

"Court documents say that Andrew Renner is captured on video saying: "It doesn't matter. Bear down."

The men also removed the adult bear's tracking collar.

"They'll never be able to link it to us," Owen Renner said, according to the court documents."

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Having personally been into it with bear hunters for running through gates leaving them open and driving through hay fields chasing a dog, all while being told by the local authorities that there was nothing they could do..... I think the "frying" of someone over a bear might be a bit much. Especially since the standard way of hunting bear in my area is waiting in the truck for the dogs to tree the bear, then walking up to it in a group and shooting it out. Not exactly sportsmanship when done "correctly" either imo. I'm sure they will be punished, and they should be. Around here people get far worse punishment for killing a deer or Turkey out of season than for breaking and entering, larceny, etc.
Shooting an animal by mistake is one thing. A “doe” that has no visible antlers that turns out to be a small buck. A 7 point rule and swearing you see 7 but it’s turns out the 7th isn’t long enough. Shooting a duck and killing one over your limit because you shot two as you swung on it with the same shot. It’s still against the law. But it’s not a blatant disregard for the law that this man had.
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Every once in a while I meet a guy who has a unwarranted and visceral/pathological hate for a particular species. They go out of their way to kill every one of the target hated species they can find legal or illegally. I've known guys who have this illogical hate for coyotes, bears, big cats, raptors, rabbits, baboons and some others to include certain species of fish and reptiles. Snakes being one of the most hated and targeted on some peoples lists. I don't get it, and I don't understand it. But I think this guy might have been a bear hater from his comments that were recorded. Hopefully he'll get hit with enough time and or fines to straighten himself out. Illogical hate and wanton destruction of any animal is for the most part unwarranted and serves no purpose other than to sooth some deep seated psychological issue for the perpetrator. A lot of these misguided acts are precipitated by urban legend and irrational fear.
I hate the way wolves are 'loved to death' by the tree huggers. I don't hate wolves but I do dislike all the love comments that should be reserved for dogs. The two are not the same no matter what Cleveland Amory said. :barf:
Hopefully both hunters get much more than a simple slap on the wrist. This is the one place in our sport that I would like to see harsher laws. We don't need more gun control, but we do need much stiffer penalties for blatant hunting violations.
Shooting an animal by mistake is one thing. A “doe” that has no visible antlers that turns out to be a small buck. A 7 point rule and swearing you see 7 but it’s turns out the 7th isn’t long enough. Shooting a duck and killing one over your limit because you shot two as you swung on it with the same shot. It’s still against the law. But it’s not a blatant disregard for the law that this man had.
For sure. My uncle accidentally shot someones pony his first time deer hunting when he was a kid and voluntarily decided to never hunt again. Unfortunately these idiots will probably just become bow hunters now that they're felons.
what preventing them from doing it again. they dont follow the laws anyway. when there is such disregarded of the law like this. they talk about braking the law in the video and covering up there tracks. there should be jail time and not like 30 days maybe 10+ years and make them pay for there stay there not the tax payers.
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what preventing them from doing it again. they dont follow the laws anyway. when there is such disregarded of the law like this. they talk about braking the law in the video and covering up there tracks. there should be jail time and not like 30 days maybe 10+ years and make them pay for there stay there not the tax payers.

I tend to agree. As with most intentional wildlife violators, odds are this was not their first time. Thinking it will be their last is probably a pipe dream. Most folks, including most hunters do not think that wildlife violations are a big deal. Many violators get just as big of thrill from violating the law and getting away with it as they do the thrill of the kill......and that's what it is all about to them. Since it's obviously not about the thrill of the hunt.
I hate links that take you to a page with lots of unrelated BS.

Found this too.

I like this part.

What debate, some people are law abiding and some are not.

Obviously anti hunting articles because to any enthusiast they were poaching....

The debate mentioned is because recently the state officials were given the ability to make killing bears in their dens, which is indeed a traditional use of game by some indigenous peoples there, a legal means of take.
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