Best Adhesive for Hard Rubber/Gutta Percha Grips

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Feb 24, 2008
Mesa, AZ
I received a set of Smith & Wesson Hard Rubber/Gutta Percha grips this past week that were in perfect condition when I bought them but arrived with a chip off of the bottom of one of them. A typical location around one of the locating studs. The broken piece is still available and matches up perfectly. I can press them together and you can't see a line of separation. Apparently there is controversy over whether S&W used Gutta Percha or Hard Rubber and then when the change may have occurred. I don't need to go into that discussion unless it has an impact on the adhesive chosen.

So what is the best adhesive to mend Hard Rubber/Gutta Percha grips?

The broken piece is in a location that won't be easy to clamp. I suspect the best I can do is use a rubber band to hold the two pieces together while the adhesive sets.


There were some repair articles for Gutta Percha in the old DBI Gunsmithing books years ago. You might find one of those to reference.
Otherwise do a web search for "Gutta Percha grip repair" as this has been covered numerous times on other sites. You will find several approaches to the repair.
I agree with the "crazy glue" idea/suggestion. But there is a Loctite version of same called "Black Max", aka #380, which is the toughest crazy glue in existence. It just ain't cheap, though. And, it is black.
I was going to go by the hobby store this week and investigate the 'super glues'. It seems that they are the most prevalent suggestion. My experience with the less expensive versions were that they didn't hold up well to shock. But it looks, like most things, there are better grades and I just need to do my research. Thanks for the suggestion on the Black Max!
Black Max is used to attach shotgun ribs and Wilson/Scattergun Tech front sights. Pretty good stuff. Keep any left over from your projects in the fridge to make it last longer.
Wow, that's pretty impressive.

I remember back in the 80's there was a new adhesive that they used to adhere side panels to city buses without any mechanical fasteners that was supposed to last forever.
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