Blade Show 2020 Cancelled

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
After being rescheduled to August 7, Blade 2020 has finally been cancelled.

With the 39th annual BLADE Show scheduled for Aug. 7-9, we have been receiving countless questions from exhibitors and attendees about the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the show and its guests.

Unfortunately, we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that it’s in the best interest of all concerned to cancel BLADE Show 2020.
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Yeah, Ive been waiting since July of last year to finally make blade show. I held off buying any knives for a year. I had saved an envelope of cash, I had vacation time taken, and this happens. Maybe next year......

All the makers are eager to sell the knives they would have brought to the Show. Just reach out.
Sadly, necessary. This news confirms what I had reckoned was inevitable, as soon as it became apparent that this virus was not going to be discouraged by the advent of warmer weather.

2020 had looked so very good, as the first year that a significant local annual commitment, for my wife, had finally been scheduled on a different weekend than Blade. We had bought a new, roomier truck, last year, for more-comfortable road trips. Ah, well.

2020 has, largely, been written-off, for all social gatherings. My wife’s health puts her into the category of folks who simply must avoid contact with folks who may be spreading this virus. With a medical, emergency-management, and public-health background, she is all too aware of the various risks. (Thankfully, we are both, now, retired from jobs that would have routinely put us into high-risk situations for exposure to the virus.)

We can hope to see some of y’all in 2021 or 2022, Good Lord willin’, and the creek don’t rise.
I know many people in the industry, custom knifemakers/bladesmiths, suppliers, Guild and ABS, and the Blade staff. Many are sad and relieved at the same time. Many makers earn a third of their annual at Blade through sales and orders (this includes manufacturers to a lesser extent). They all are eager to sell what they had set aside to bring to the Show and would be very happy to hear from anyone interested.
After being rescheduled to August 7, Blade 2020 has finally been cancelled.

With the 39th annual BLADE Show scheduled for Aug. 7-9, we have been receiving countless questions from exhibitors and attendees about the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the show and its guests.

Unfortunately, we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that it’s in the best interest of all concerned to cancel BLADE Show 2020.
hso, are you part of the Blade Show these days?
Depends upon how you mean "part of". I'm not an employee of either Blade or the promoter if that's what you mean.
Yeah, that was my slant. It's unfortunate but necessary that the show was canceled in Atlanta this year. I know I wasn't going with covid-19 still so active. Next year!
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