Bear eats deer, and not in Alaska

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My Mother-in Law lived on the west side of Colorado Springs in the Skyway area near Bear Creek Park. The deer were thick in that residential area. Always hanging out in yard, under trees, etc. A friend who lived next door to her called us one day to tell us he was awakened by an ungodly screeching in the night at her home. He grabbed a pistol and ran out to see what was going on. what he found was a black bear with a fawn in its mouth with the frantic doe racing around the yard. Guess the bear decided the neighborhood was easy pickings and dropped in for dinner!
A lady in Crestview Fl (in the city) had her dog killed by 2 bears about 2 years ago. Someone else in that neighborhood had a dog get attacked, but that dog lived.
Several years ago a black bear tried to kill a small fawn in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Several tourists intervened and were quite proud that they were able to save the life of the deer. Until they were charged with a crime.
Interesting encounter in PA. Didn't really eat it, just played with it. Black bears aren't usually that aggressive.

The deer was aggressive did they need to be? Like bears of Alaska and out west, our eastern blackies have learned the sound of gunfire can mean a meal. Gut piles, unretrieved deer and deer seriously wounded and not quite dead yet. To the bears, 20 minutes and no human activity aound, would mean a free meal. Could be with the hunting season going on the bears had just left another carcass or gut pile. Like a cat playing with a dead mouse, mom bear was giving her cubs a lesson in chasing deer. Few years back, during hunting season, I came across a deer carcass a blackie had drug from where it found it/killed it and buried it under leaves, brush and dirt. Piles of bear scat surrounded the carcass....I'm assuming it was a warning to wolves and other predators.There was little evidence the bear had fed on the deer at all, but it was very obvious it had been a bear that buried it. Lots of stuff goes on in nature everyday we never see. Those folks that only spend a day or two a year in the woods, miss a lot of it.
Several years ago a black bear tried to kill a small fawn in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Several tourists intervened and were quite proud that they were able to save the life of the deer. Until they were charged with a crime.

In the big woods here in Wisconsin, only 2 out of 10 fawns make it to their first birthday. Highest mortality is from predators. Hunters and cars make up for most of the rest. Fawns make up a very large percentage of our black bear's diet in the spring. Those folks didn't know it, but their criminal efforts were probably only temporary........
Several years ago a black bear tried to kill a small fawn in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Several tourists intervened and were quite proud that they were able to save the life of the deer. Until they were charged with a crime.


Funny how people impose their own human morals and beliefs on animals who have absolutely no conception of human rights, values, and privileges.

If some of these people had their way, the human concept of "murder" would be applied to the animal kingdom and the entire ecosystem would collapse as a result.

Ironic though it may seem, ALL life thrives on death.

There's a line in Star Trek from Spock about this, but darned if I can find the quote.


Found it.

"In the strick scientific sense, Doctor, we all feed on death. Even vegetarians."

Wolf in the Fold episode.
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Funny how people impose their own human morals and beliefs on animals who have absolutely no conception of human rights, values, and privileges.

If some of these people had their way, the human concept of "murder" would be applied to the animal kingdom and the entire ecosystem would collapse as a result
My wife totally understands the cycle of life yet every time we come on a coyote kill she calls it a murder scene:) She absolutely hates a coyote trying to make a living and she’s the most voracious carnivore I know:)
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