Does Everyone's Primary Gun Fit Perfectly?

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I recently bought a Sig 229 exactly because it fits my hand perfectly and my glock 22 did not. The grip i really like is my Buckmark .22 w/ the plastic grips. Those thumbrests are great. I was thinking a Hipower would be a good .40 for me for this reason, but it doesnt fit as well.
Wish I could say so... but it's not true.

My 1911 fits perfectly, but my primary is a Glock 30. The grip feels a bit fat to me, but it's the pistol I am most accurate with.
Not really...

The thumb safety on my 1911 and the decock lever on my H&K USP45F force me to "ride" the safety/lever w/ my right thumb. This feels fine for the first few rounds, but around the fifty mark it starts to wear, and by the 100 mark a blister starts to form. By the time I finish off 150-200 rounds, my hand is bleeding. I live with this inconvenience because in a fire-fight, I won't be shooting more than 20-35 rounds anyway!

My back-up, Glock 26, doesn't fit well at all, but I didn't buy it to shoot all day at the range with. I bought it to conceal well, and if called on, to dispatch a threat.

Needless to say, I can shoot well with any of my firearms, regardless of "fit."
I don't think a handgun can fit perfectly. Most double stacks 9mm feel like a 2 by 4 in my hand. A single stack .45 isn't much different. My carry pistol is a Glock 17. Now I can do things to help my grip. Rubbery Decal grips helps my grip. Extended mag catch/slide stop helps me work the controls better. The third gen Glock 17 feel better in my hand than my second gen Glock 17 becuase of the finger groves.
My CZ 75 fits pretty well. I have a BHP that might fit a little better, based on dry fire, but I haven't had the BHP on the range enough to know for sure. My Makarov also fits very well, as does my M28-2.

One gun that doesn't fit well, at least so far, is the P7M8. I just have a hard time picking up the sights with that gun.
My CCW Glock fits well enough but best "fit" of
any pistol CCW'd has to be P7M8 followed closely by
BHP. Then SIG 220 * Wilson KX.
Yes - my BHP with either wood or rubber Spegel grips feels like perfection. With the rubber Spegels, and stippled front and backstraps, the way it handles recoil is awesome.

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