Recommended Readings.

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Jan 17, 2004
san antonio texas
I recall seeing a thread about 3-4 months ago about a book that was a favorite among many members here at THR, but cant recall the title. I do recall yall saying that many of you have read it several times. So I ask what is your favorate read, thanks in advance!
I think Indy has the right book, although your post is somewhat confusing since it has nothing to do with Strategies and Tactics.

If you are looking for a book that was related to defensive shooting rather than the above mentioned fiction. Please let us know.
The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. I was a little put off by some of his anti-gun comments, but had to put that aside for all of the other really good information he has. To sum up the book: trust your gut. Its very worth reading and very "read-able".
Being posted under this topic, I'm guessing you meant self defense-related books.
If that's the case, if I saw the thread, I would've responded with these-

"Tactical Reality" by Louis Awerbuck
"More Tactical Reality" Louis Awerbuck
"Fighting Smarter" Tom Givens

The first two are collections of his Training & Tactics columns that run on the last page of S.W.A.T. magazine. Great info, focused mostly on how to think, with little on hardware, though there is some. Besides having a unique take on things that may usually get covered, he covers topics I have not seen mentioned elsewhere. Aside from him, I haven't seen much on the safest way to use the bathroom, for example.
If you don't find some priceless quotes in there, you aren't looking.
Both those books are available from Paladin Press.

The other one, "Fighting Smarter", is one of those books that I call a "catch-all" book. Those try to cover everything from picking a gun, to how to shoot it, to what to do after a shooting, etc. Most don't, or can't, get very deep into things, but this one is the best I've seen. It covers the usual topics very well, plus adds some that don't seem to get covered much, if at all. He has a fair amount of info about different types of criminals- your possible opponent, which is not something you usually see, but I found very valuable. That section alone is worth getting it. It's not a big book, but there's no fat. If you read one book about protecting yourself, I would pick this one.

The negative to "Fighting Smarter" is availability. The original printing has all been sold. Recently, Mr Givens' business (RangeMaster) started selling an electronic version. Do a search for RangeMaster in Memphis, and you should find it.
That was the book i was thinking of indy thanks! Ill also check out the other book you guys were talkin about sounds like some good read's.
Also 2 books by John Lott:

More Guns, Less Crime and The Bias Against Guns.

I managed to get the first one signed by him at a book signing when I lived in Vegas 4 years ago. Great books when you wanna drop facts on people when talking about gun violence/statistics. Mike
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