Failed attempt to seize Schiavo

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
Well, I used the search function, which yielded nothing. So, here's a little something that happened in Florida.

Failed attempt

MIAMI - (KRT) - Hours after a judge ordered that Terri Schiavo wasn't to be removed from her hospice, a team of Florida law enforcement agents were en route to seize her and have her feeding tube reinserted - but they stopped short when local police told them they would enforce the judge's order, The Miami Herald has learned.

Is it just me, or does the idea of a face-off between two teams of LE officials seem like a bad sign?
That sounds awesome. We havent had a good cop-vs-cop riot since before the civil war.

There isnt really much crime to fight right now, so I think it would help to break up the monotony for them.
The more I read about this whole Schiavo debacle, the more I become convinced that all of those involved are nearly as braindead as she is.

Amen. You hit the "braindead" nail on the head with that statement.
So , let's see....this woman supposedly has evidence she claims should save Teri...and she waits until day 7 after the tube is out to bring it up??
There is one good side to two groups of LEOs facing off.
One side chose to stick with what the law and their duty said to do. This in spite of the fact that their boss has less political clout than the state LEO's boss. It would have been very easy to step aside.
" We havent had a good cop-vs-cop riot since before the civil war."

Good line- although the 1840's gave little sign of it, the 1850s produced an almost complete intransigence on both sides of the issues dividing North and South. As far as "awesome," which I believe preceded the quote, I would rather substitute the more verbose "to be avoided at all costs." As far as a replay of the Civil War is concerned, my attitude there is best expressed by Dennis Miller's quote about German reunification: "I feel about that about the same as Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis getting back together. I didn't care much for their old stuff, and I'm not looking forward to any new material."

I am perplexed at the total certainty shown by both sides in what is a sad and very complex and muddled case. On BOTH sides. My only conclusion was written by somebody else:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all convictions, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

- from The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats
Yeah, and OJ swore under oath that he didn't do it.

People will say all sorts of things when there is no way to prove em wrong.
It's very difficult to feel engaged in a meaningful discussion when people quote me and then respond with a website link.

Express yourself....tell me how you think what is on that site supports or refutes what I've said. I'm not going to click on some damn site, spend ten minutes reading it and attempt to figure out what it is you are trying to say by posting it. Don't take the lazy way out.
The rule of law prevails.
Some of us consider it judicial tyranny. A sane mind cannot conclude Michael Shiavo maintains any spousal rights whatsoever. He long since forfieted any such rights when he domiciled with the mother of his children. I know, I know- 'not according to the law' :rolleyes:

The law is an ass.
A clash like that would have been horrible. An excellent example of the legislative branch trying to overrun the judicial branch. Precisely what the Framers tried to protect against with the checks and balances.

It would have been the downfall of our Constitution.

I don't understand how both Bushes AND the Congress could misuse their power and piss all over the Constitution. :banghead:
Some of us consider it judicial tyranny. A sane mind cannot conclude Michael Shiavo maintains any spousal rights whatsoever. He long since forfieted any such rights when he domiciled with the mother of his children. I know, I know- 'not according to the law'

It's not judicial tyranny. The justices did exactly what they were supposed to. They decided the case according to the laws of the State of Florida. Michael was never found irresponsible as her guardian and there were 3 other guardians ad leitum appointed by the court and they found no problems either.

If you don't like how the law reads, then you lobby your representatives to change it. You don't send jack-booted terrorists in to establish your own version of the law.
Precisely what the Framers tried to protect against with the checks and balances.
Funny how "checks and balances" never seem to apply to the judicial branch.
Without those damn "activist judges" of the judicial branch, we'd still have separate drinking fountains and lunch counters in some part of the country.

What good is a Constitution and the rule of law, if they can be negated by popular sentiment?
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