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flashbangs in home defense?

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ka50 said:
Airsoft is used by the military and police to practice tactics, including forced entry and CQB.

1. Never seen any documentation of this, however I have seen documentation that some top notch trainers using it in their training.

2. Doesn't matter who uses is. Unless you practice it perfectly, it is a waste of time. Imperfect practice doesn't help you.

3. Just because someone practices airsoft on occasion doesn't make them an expert.

4. It is only a part of the training that is given, and a small part at that.

ka50 said:
He might be knowledgable guy for all I care, but his knowledge hasn't shined through in this thread. Saying tactical advantage is nonsense is like saying having a gun in the first place is nonsense. Put 2 and 2 together and something makes me doubt his qualifications you talk of.

1. First off, Preacherman has actually served in combat, as compared to you serving in an airsoft battle.

2. Do you really think your knowledge has shown through on this thread? You posted theoretical information regarding flashbangs, things you probably learned playing R6 and CS.

3. Preacherman gave a very good synopsis based on his real training and usage of the real thing. He gave more information about the real usage than anyone in this thread. You chose to ignore that.

4. Between a new member who lists his experience as playing airsoft, and a plankowner member here who has actually seen combat and lived, I think I will place my trust in Preacherman's advice.

5. You accuse others of being narrow minded, but when they point out real life information that they have recieved during actual military training with the real deal, you close your mind and refuse to listen.

On a more personal note, Preacherman is probably one of the most respected members here. When he posts information, the rest of us listen. I will kindly suggest that you do the same.

I doubt you will see any more postings in this thread from KA50 probably.

With that said, why not just surround your house with claymores and be done with it. No one would get in if I had my way :D See the Signature, best HD system around :D hahaha just kidding.

On a serious note though, I wouldn't utilize fashies for SD, they are IMHO an offensive breaching and clearing tool. End of Story. No I dont have any hands on experiences with them, but I do know they are highly effective in Counter Strike and I have to say that they are very useful in an offensive situation. Yes Im more of a Armchair Commando at times, but there is such a thing as common sense and I just cannot belive someone would actually consider using them for defending thier home. Im sorry but I just dont see it.
It took awhile, but someone finally mentioned that flash bangs frequently cause a fire. As a firefighter, I have been called to house fires started from flash bangs as well as having been called to stand by when they knew they were going to use them.
There are OC grenades...basically just an OC can that sprays out of a nozzle until empty. Having one set up somehow outside your safe room that you could activate could be useful. Throwing one in a room with a BG stealing your TV MIGHT be useful. They're legal at least. I can see limited uses for this and it would be a pretty good deterrent. The effect will last longer than a FB, though it will take longer to take effect.
I like the idea of OC/tear gas grenades.

Why? I can chuck it into the room and hopefully the unwanted guests will decide to leave, no intervention on my part needed. It's just going to get progressivly worse in that room. I need to go in there I'll just dig out my gas mask. The training filter isn't rated for wargasses anymore, but it should work against OC.

A flashbang might work faster, but like others have said, the distraction only lasts seconds, and has a decent chance of setting the room on fire. It's also regulated as a destructive device. No thanks.

Something like this should work very well, and it's only $28 for 6oz...

yeah, i bought a few of those and haven't set one off yet (still waiting for that kegger gone bad). i would like to know if they start spraying immediately or if they spray when you RELEASE the valve. sure would be more useful the second way. there's an ad in the shotgun news all the time for an oc device that's supposed to be used as a burglar deterrent. i imagine it wouldn't be to hard to remotely trigger one, maybe even have one for each room on a separate circuit.
ive had this long time fantasy from many years ago when i played counterstrike in a internet cafe. there was this guy who always flashbanged me over and over in the game. when it got me mad i would imagine that he was in the cafe with me and i imagined how funny it would be to drop a real one down on his keyboard. coffee flyin out of his computer stall, chair fallin backwards into the isle, blackened face and hair all spikey pointed away from the blast like a roadrunner cartoon.......... maybe i have a poor sense of humor.

sometimes i worry about 'ka50'. he acts like andy kaufman.
being a long time CSer myself I can appreciate this dream of yours and have had similar thought processes run through my head

I hated team flashies too, very irritating :D

Best laugh I've had in YEARS :)

Thank you !!!!!

I was wondering how you were going to respond. I love your response.

ka50 said:
Sorry, but you worry me with your narrow perspective.

In close quarter combat you need every single peace of equipment to gain an edge. If your house is full of assault rifle weilding BG's, then you can pull up your Massod's book and hope for the best I suppose. I've read his stuff, too, by the way. And I also play airsoft, including close quarter combat. You just have no idea how hard it is to supress an enemy who's ready to kill you and has means to do so in close quarter combat.

That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Airsoft?
Yeah, the Padre has no idea....
The only essential piece of equipment is your brain-housing-group.

As the Padre stated, the flashbang's effects wear off quickly. As someone who's been on the recieving end of one, I can tell you that one or two person's couldn't possibly secure a room quickly enough following a flashbang if that room is full of assault rifle weilding BG's.
Preacherman said:
Heck, Janitor, it's not often that the S&T forum is so entertaining! :D

I'm thinking Monty Python and the Holy Flash-Bang here... :evil:

Ask, and ye shall receive.

Have we got bows?


We have the Holy Flash Bang.

Yes, of course! The Holy Flash Bang of Antioch! 'Tis one of the sacred relics Brother Maynard carries with him! Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Flash Bang!

MONKS: [chanting]
Pie Iesu domine, dona eis requiem.

How does it, um-- how does it work?

I know not, my liege.

Consult the Book of Armaments!

Armaments, chapter two, verses nine to twenty-one.

And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. (Unless it is a South African Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to one and a half.) Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Flash Bang of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall wander about quite confused and unable to see. Also, he shalt be a bit singed. Maybe more than a bit, depending on wherest thou threw the Holy Flash Bang of Antioch.'



One!... Two!... Five!

Three, sir!


Shamelessly borrowed from this site as well as from my memory:
Preacherman said:
Heck, Janitor, it's not often that the S&T forum is so entertaining! :D

I'm thinking Monty Python and the Holy Flash-Bang here... :evil:
"... and he shall snuff it!"

Possibly the best line ever out of Monty Python. (Either that, or " 'orse? He ain't got no 'orse. He's just got a couple of cocoanuts."

[EDIT]Sorry. I seem to have confused the Holy Flash Bang with the Holy Hand Grenade from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Apologies.
Gotta love Preacherman. How many other times here at THR and other boards across the net have you seen someone insulted and come back with a bunch of smilies and Monty Python and the Holy Flashbang?

You lead by example, Preacherman.

Now, if I recall correctly, during the last SWAT seminar I participated in (lecturing on legal issues), the instructor on flashbangs and explosive devices indicated that a flashbang was a less-lethal device, meaning it can kill, but is not intended to do so. So, you're defending your home, and you bascially start chucking grenades around the corners.

First of all, you can kiss much of your property goodbye. Glass is broken, carpet or handwood floors scortched, and the potential for fire is high.

Second, the idea of a flasbang is to disorient an aggressor so that some counter-tactics can be implimented. Do you plan on giving up the high ground, so to speak, so that you can invade a room after "banging" it, and fire a double tap or two into each bad guy?

Third, what do you think that cops are gonna do with you tossing grendaes around? Here's a hint...it's probably gonna hurt, even if you comply.

Fourth, you get sued for wrongful death or personal injury claims. You're standing trial before a group of citizens who learned about guns and such from television. Lawyer tells them you used grenades on his poor unarmed client, leaving him deaf and blind before you shot him. Or, better yet, you used illegal explosives to blow up him client, a poor drug addict not looking to hurt anyone, just looking for some easy money to feed his addiction. "You had all of these guns at your disposal, a phone to call the police, and were safely tucked away in your "safe room". yet you chose to hunt down and execute my client, blowing him up with an explosive deviceisn't that accurate? Aren't guns and bullets deadly enough for you, sir?" Call em crazy, but you'll lose that one.

Hey, Preacherman, thanks for showing us again where THe High Road truly lies.

Bad idea.
Don't let this thread die. I crave more funny. Sadly, however, I feel it's life force draining away.
Now I see where the sense of humor comes from Preach....,

Muttly!!!! Wow, hadn't seen that guy in years. Flashbangs, yes I want some. NO, I would not use them for HD :uhoh: . EOTWAWKI, now that is a different subject, and in that spot I would rather a frag. Just my o.o2cents from years of VIDEO GAME experience with both, YMMV.
I think this has gone on long enough. Dang, I'm away from the computer for a couple days and now we're using illegal explosives in our own homes :uhoh:

In the future we'll discuss the use of devices like this in a strictly military or police context. No more discussions of illegal devices.

Yes the police and the military sometimes use airsoft guns to simulate small arms. No, playing airsoft games is not training for combat and little you learn there would be of any use in a real fight.

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