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Anyone collect trench art?

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Jan 21, 2006
Hey everyone
Today I picked up a piece of trench Art. Its a 40mm Bofors Anti Aircraft round. It has a 1942 lot number and looks normal except it is rather simply rocker engraved
New Guinea
July 22, 1944

It also has two small holes one directly above the other which are drilled at the base possibly for a cord for a lamp. It doesn't have any lamp parts attached but that is perhaps why the hole is in its side.

Anyone have anything like this?

Brother in Arms
Well, sort of. I have a brass casing from a 105mm howitzer round from a C130 gunship. It is engraved with the logo of the air group and lettering on it reads 'Fired over Iraq during operation Iraqi Freedom'.
I have a beautifull chip carved wall cabinet ,made from crate material. One center panel with a heart shaped cutout, filled with a wonderfull painting of a sailboat with sun breaking thru clouds, and two side panels painted with bucolic farm scenes. (painted on dried fish crate material) Inside the door it is carved, "Plexxus Prosper, Soldat Belge, Septembre 2 , 1916." Someday I'll figure out how to post pics and put it up. Truly a vision of longing for domestic harmony and peace.
Bought an M48 Yugo Mauser a while back that has a very rudimentary shield carved on the right side of the stock, sectioned into quadrants. Farther up the side of the stock, below the rear sight, are the letters "БОГ ЧУВ." Never figured out what it means, but it's "God..." something. Bought the gun for about $50 less than all the other Mausers on the rack, because nobody wanted one that had been "fouled up by that ghastly writing." ;) :p


Yeah, the AC-130 Spectre gunship has a couple of howitzers and vulcans mounted on it.


It's the modern version of 'Puff the Magic Dragon' you've seen in Vietnam movies.
If the Rudimentary shield carved on your stock looked like a checker board on the inside it was probably a Croatian coat of arms. I once found a Mauser M48 stock with the same design and the words "ZA Dom Spremni" which means roughly "for home land we are ready" and a capital letter U which is supposed to be symbolic of the Ustase.

I like trench art. Sorry to deviate from my own thread.

Brother in Arms
I have a 40 mm bofors shell that is engraved with Dutch Harbor and a date.

BTW, does making your own powder horns count? It's been suggested that powder horns were the first form of trench art and some of them are very primitive.
I guess you could say that "military and para-military" horns would be considered trench art.

I make powder horns also! I have several originals and the ones I make come out looking very historically correct. I recently got Scott and Cathy sibleys book but which is great, but I already new most of the tricks in the book. Ohwell its full of awesome pictures which can help.

Take it easy

Brother in Arms
I don't know if it's 'trench art' but I have my grandfathers blood-stained Ka-Bar from WWII aswell as a trunk with what looks like a few 30 cal. holes in it. In the trunk are piles of battle plans superimposed over arial reconnossence pictures followed by battle reports and lists of men. The interresting thing about the lists of men is that LOTS of names have been ominously crossed out. Also, my cousin gave me all his old Marine Corps fatigues with my name (last name) on them. :D

I have countless ammo cans... but who doesn't?

I am not sure what the dictionary definition of trench art is, but here's a 105mm shell (complete with dimpled primer) shaped into a vase/spitoon/something and given to my grandfather upon his departure from HQ I FFORCEV in 1969.

I thought you guys might like this. It's a 20mm round I got at a yard sale last year. Looked pretty gross when I found it, but I buffed the hell out of it and gave it a shot of clear enamel.

The round itself says "K 3 46 H I 1 43" and fuse says "MK.2S - KS". All inert--the whole thing seems to have been filled with lead or solder.





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My Dad has a French artilery shell formed into a vase. The German POW did relief stamping,(think tooled leather), that says "Verdun". It also has either oak or maple leaves incised on the rest of the surface. Around the top are points...about 1" wide and tall. Cool looking piece. Dads uncle brought it home from WWI along with a bunch of other stuff...but this is the only surviving piece...too bad.
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