make kofi cough - upchuck even

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Kofi the Marxist hates the USA and personal freedom. I did not waste a stamp. I would approve of war crimes for his part in the Oil-for-Food scandal that should also snag his son. I would write a letter stating that I was pushing for his arrest, conviction and recovery of RICCO assets. Tell him that his opposition to freedom and actions to that effect cause you to push for his arrest and removal from influence and a permanant end to his freedom.
The UN is taking note of every single person who has called, written, faxed or communicated ANY pro-Second Amendment sentiment REGARDLESS of how peaceful it may be. They have a watch-list.

They view ALL gun owning civilians as potential Timothy McVeighs.

Arguing in favor of civilian ownership of firearms is totally an unaccpetable position in their view, and if you do so, you are automatically viewed as being a threat, like a terrorist or a part of the problem and instantly ignored and subsequently marginalized.

There is no discourse in this process whatsoever. Discourse requires two sides to be tolerant of one another's opinion. They are not interested in what you have to say. WAKE UP, there is NO debate here. It is about them discussing and planning how to disarm YOU.

That is belligerency. This is oppressive. Oppressiveness is tyrannical, and tyranny is confrontational.

They're firing the first shot across the bow on July 4th. Make no mistake about it - this is not a debate. You are not a legitimate party in this. These people are invaders.

Don't write letters. They waste postage and paper that would be better spent on ammo, range time, or given to the NRA/GOA/JPFO etc. Don't bother fighting this one out with your breath, this one (IF made reality) will be fought the old fashion way...
They have a watch-list.

They view ALL gun owning civilians as potential Timothy McVeighs.
Well... though I hesitate to be associated with McVeigh, it's at least a stumble in the right direction. If they're worried, they'll hesitate. Hesitation gives us time. Time = Money = Power, right? ;) :)
Might be a therapeutic exercise for the mailer; won't amount to ANYTHING in the real world. Kofi couldn't give a damn what we think.
The U.N. dislikes guns? Who knew?

Actually, I'm all for sending the U.N. packing back to whatever third rate countries they're from and telling them to leave us the :cuss: alone. I'm also afraid that Don't Tread On Me is right.
The UN is taking note of every single person who has called, written, faxed or communicated ANY pro-Second Amendment sentiment REGARDLESS of how peaceful it may be. They have a watch-list.






You may well be right on that, but let's not be too fast & loose with that which is stated as fact, eh?

In any event, I'm not really sure I give a damn what the UN thinks of me. :)
Something that a user on Md Shooter's Forum uses:


  • usun.jpg
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Like others have said, the UN doesn't give a damn about us. They care about their power and nothing more. If they try to take are freedoms away, then they'll have a fight with most people and I think we'll win. All we have to do is take a lesson from Somalia: kill enough of them that any public support they have erodes and the majority of the population doesn't back them. When that happens, they won't have enough support to match us.
Get the UN out of the US........AMEN!

How much longer must we put up with this impotent debating society that is costing us Billions. Time to fix bayonets and drive them into the sea. We will turn that building into public housing.

My 13 year old son frequently wears this Tshirt.
He makes his Daddy proud. :D
I'm suggesting to everyone to in addition to the mailer, also send in an anonymous mail with yourself wearing a mask, and holding either a pistol or an EBR, and a letter with a roughly molon labe spirit to it.

We don't vote for U.N. SecGen so saying we are upset with his politics only allows the U.N. to know who you are without any threat of making someone lose their seat. There is no democratic process for defeating these genocidal maniacs, so letting them know there are armed men who stand against ths and who would fight them if they brought this to our shores would be more effective than a letter to them telling them who you are.

They don't respect democratic institutions or a republican form of government, they only respect the barrel of a gun. Let them know there are many gun barrels ready to be pointed at them.
If you are concerned, buy ammo.

As a side question: doesn't ammunition shipping boxes have UN numbers on them? If so, that looks to me like the UN could control civilian ammo distribution lock, stock and barrel if they wanted to.
I'm suggesting to everyone to in addition to the mailer, also send in an anonymous mail with yourself wearing a mask, and holding either a pistol or an EBR, and a letter with a roughly molon labe spirit to it.

Wait one minute....

You want me to:

1) put on a mask and some para-military garb
2) grab some menacing (to the UN clowns) looking rifle and mags from the safe
3) set up a camera on time delay, take menacing pic, print out
4) write a letter that will then be investigated by FBI/Secret-Service instead of the Kleuseau-like Interpol or some sort of "UN cops" (who would be fun to lure into a trap).

If I'm going to go through the trouble of steps 1 & 2, I can think of a better step 3 and 4.
As I've said before, and will continue to say,

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