Middle Easterners at the range

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Feb 26, 2003
Garland, TX
Sunday afternoon I and some friends met at the Garland Public Shooting Range. While there, three young men of middle eastern decent showed up and were shooting targets of Osama Bin Ladin. They were laughing about the head shots they were making with their AK-47.
They seemed nice but I couldn't help but wonder if this was a front or something. I really want to believe they were just out having fun but there is this thing in the back of my mind that says, they could be up to no good. I realize I am profiling and have no problem with that. Everyone does it to a certain degree. The question I have is, am I wrong to have suspicions? Am I being too cynical?
Your opinions, either way, are welcome.


P.S. BTW, I had several guns there but the one I was enjoying the most, this day, was my old No.4 MKII Enfield (Old gun for an old Geezer).
If it were a couple of "clean cut, middle aged, white guys", would you have given it a second thought?

I don't ask that to be an a-hole, I only ask because from time to time I find myself in a similar position. It makes me kind of sad that I would even question the intentions of someone, what ever thier "race" or fashion style... But in light of many things that have happened, I don't think anyone one of us can be blamed for wondering. Our actions will speak for us.
Its possible they're ticked off that Bin Ladin has made their lives much more difficult in this country because everyone who looks vaguely middle Eastern is suspect to a lot of people.

That is what was bothering me because I don't want to discriminate. You are correct, had they been clean cut white guys I would have thought nothing of it.

I was hoping that was the case.

Even Arabs need to have a little fun sometimes.

Yep, I'd say you were being a little too cynical. Most people of middle eastern decent are pretty decent folks, just like most black or white folks. Have a look at the middle age, middle class, white Christians going to soldiers funerals to talk trash. That's as whacky as Osama and his crew, but to look at them they look as "regular" as any of your neighbors.
my friend was in bagdhad

and still has a hard time figuring Sihk's from Iraqi's...I can...but I am smarter then most people:neener:

The Brazillians I meet here in Reno are always mistaken for Middle Easterners.
Also,Jim,don't assume all people of Arab descent like Bin Laden,even his family has disowned him...
I would have thought it more a ploy than actual hate of Osama. We are too politically correct these days in my cynical opinion. I trust not, the Arab world.
Yeah, there is, 911 was the last reason. The rituallistic beheading of any person of non muslem beliefs is another, the value placed on human life is another, the list goes on.
I hate to be the provocatuer, though the question must be asked.

Does it really matter? No really, does it? There are Radical muslims of asian and african descent, the smart terrorist in this country wouldn't be arab. Furthermore, as long as they are following the law, and range safety, they are just like you or me.
Whenever Ithink something like that I just repeat to myself what I would tell the police.

"Hey, I saw a couple of middle eastern guys shooting at the gun range..."
And I'd go... :confused: (oops, I was doing that too)(thank god it's not illegal)

lol, sometimes we overthink things. Don't worry about it.
The rituallistic beheading of any person of non muslem beliefs is another, the value placed on human life is another, the list goes on.

There have been plenty of assassinations, terrorist acts, and beheadings carried out by other Muslims, targeting other Muslims as well. If they were popping targets of OBL, I'm happy to hear that their accuracy was decent.
Were their AKs full auto or semi? Only people with a good bit of dough have full autos unless they illegally modify their semi autos. Otherwise, the weapons are stolen, supplied by a rich, or supplied by terrorists. The guys were probably just Americans of a Middle Eastern descent. Nonetheless, you better tell the police about the men. It is better to be safe than sorry.
My best friend in the neighborhood is a Moroccan guy. I have taken him, his B-I-L and nepehw shooting on occasion, and they had a great time. They could never do stuff like that back in the old country. They have a better grasp of the importance of the Second Amendment than a lot of my other weenine neighbors, coming from a repressive country.

They are all very happy to be in the U.S. and have a very keen understanding of the Freedom and opportunities they have here. All are self made professional men, good examples of the American Dream, and they're adamant about their kids becoming 'Americanized'/assimilating.

They're secular in daily pracitce, but Muslim culturally , and they hate the radicals and the jihadi, and are thoroughly p!$$ed about the way their religion has been hijackedand tarred by the extremists. They're all decent people and damn fine neighbors, active in PTA and the community at large, support their kids sports teams, school activies, etc.

They are my brothers in arms.
I beg to differ with you, they are not like me, they were raised differently than I was, with a vastly different set of values. Blood is thicker than water.

As far as racial profiling goes, IMO it is reasonable to profile or sterotype people, For instance, try to find volunteers to strap on 40#s of C-4 and walk into a crowd of people you don't know and detonate your self to make a point. I ain't going to do it. But they will, knowing its lights out when they punch the button. No need to look at this redneck boy, look at those who will.
As far as racial profiling goes, IMO it is reasonable to profile or sterotype people, For instance, try to find volunteers to strap on 40#s of C-4 and walk into a crowd of people you don't know and detonate your self to make a point. I ain't going to do it. But they will, knowing its lights out when they punch the button. No need to look at this redneck boy, look at those who will.

You are missing the point. Regardless of whether you are right about Muslims, you are clearly justifying your suspicion of middle easterners based on radical islamic terrorism.

Not only are most Arabs in the US Christian (and hence, not the people you're suspicious of), most Muslims by far (as in, 75 percent) are not Arab.

So what kind of sense does it make to be suspicious of middle easterners in the US based on islamic terrorism?
They were semi auto. GPSR doesn't allow any class 3.
Heck, my best friend was with me and he is Chinese. Someone might even want to think that wierd.
My point is, all people should just be considered the same as long as decency prefails.
Timothy McVeigh (sp?) was a clean cut white guy. I wonder how many times someone like he has been to the range without a disparaging thought?
Oh well, thanks for the advice.

Well, let me flip it around a bit more.
I'm of Chinese descent. In my life, I've seen many white people and groups that would not have those like me on this side of the Pacific. I go to the range, there are people who look and dress like those people. Should I assume that the targets they use are really representing non-white people?
Not so long ago a guy drove around in Illinois and Indiana shooting Asians, blacks, and hispanics. He is believed to have been incited by a white power website. These things aren't so far fetched.
Life long cover-ups on lynchings and stuff still surfaces. And the sentencing in the murder of Vincent Chan is still a ghastly joke.

Or are these guys at the range just having a good time, practicing skills they enjoy, probably with no ill thoughts towards me?
If it were a couple of "clean cut, middle aged, white guys", would you have given it a second thought?

(Not meant as a flame)

True, but it wasn’t “clean cut, middle aged, white guys" that flew planes into the towers on 9/11 or go an Al Jezera beheading captured westerners.

I am sick and d*** tired of this PC belief that “we can't racially profile because it’s insensitive.” Well, when 19 out of 19 of the hijackers are of Arab decent than why should we be looking at white little old ladies as much as Arab males? While it may be true that most Arab males are not islamic terrorists it is also true that most (in fact d*** near all) islamic terrorists have been Arab males.

With that said, I remember reports that the hijackers who trained here in Florida were in a Daytona Beach bar one night clean shaven having drinks in an attempt to “fit in” with the general population. In fact, it is my understanding that the Koran allows Muslims engaging in a jihad to change their appearance and practice the behaviors they find reprehensible in able to assimilate unnoticed into the culture they are fighting against. Given this I find it perfectly natural to see two Arabs and wonder about their true allegiance.

Ultimately I would rather be wary of trouble and called a racist than to adopt PC behavior that makes someone too complacent to see danger before it’s too late.
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