"The whole world is watching now. We must be nothing less than fabulous."

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
-Emma Frost, the White Queen. To the student body at Xavier's after their "cover" was blown and it became public knowledge that the place was an exclusive school for mutants.

To the point, I think I've come to more fully appreciate THR's mission to be a shining example of gun owners as decent, law-abiding, and all around good people. Because even though we're a "gun board" it's MORE than just "gun folk" that come here.

Some come to learn and participate, and some may come just to, I dunno, "see us in our natural environment."

In fact, I imagine that some may even want to provide a link to this board to people who are fearful of guns and gun owners - but who may be willing to make a more informed decision by actually seeing some of us "up close."

So, I think from now on I'll try to treat each post as though every one was going to be read by someone who's "on the fence" about guns and gun owners - and thus try to avoid anything that reflects badly upon us as a group. To try and destroy some of the negative stereotypes about us with some actual truth.
Green Lantern wrote :
So, I think from now on I'll try to treat each post as though every one was going to be read by someone who's "on the fence" about guns and gun owners - and thus try to avoid anything that reflects badly upon us as a group. To try and destroy some of the negative stereotypes about us with some actual truth.

Green Lantern, I agree with Oleg .
<a round of applause>

And that is what makes this a worthwhile, pleasant, and comfortable place for people who DO want to learn, who are investigating the idea of getting into shooting, or who want to talk about firearms.

+1 Green Lantern!

Why should I be required to "take the high road" to keep my inalienable rights? Sure, it looks good on paper and in theory, but how does cowtowing to everyone else help? What, I need to act or dress a certain way to keep my firearms? Maybe talk nice to make sure they don't list me as a domestic terrorist?

Whatever. I'll take the high road, but if another citizen takes the "low road" protesting some unconstitutional BS I'll be right next to him being supportive.

Sure, it looks good to "take the high road", but we shouldn't have to take any road at all. There is no road. It's a right. Plain and simple.

I don't support that at all. Yeah, lets pussyfoot around the bill of rights until we all think it's a gift from our government to us when they feel like granting it. :barf: You are part of the problem IMHO. Yeah, there will be people who say "They won't take muh guns!" and they might look uneducated and unorthodox, but guess what... that doesn't detract from their rights... lets stop pretending as if it does.

This is a dangerous precedent to set. "We'll put ourselves on moral high ground therefore we're better"... since when has THAT worked?
I see some folks have missed the point.

Gun owners are primarily considerate, mature, responsible people exercising their constitutional right in the face of a campaign to take those rights away. The angry, selfish, childish firearms owners are a tiny minority. Regardless of that fact, the internet is a haven for the truly misanthropic or the misanthropic acting attention-hound. The anonymity of the internet forum allows the worst in people to come out. You see examples of it at almost every public forum and website. Threats, insults, vulgarity and profanity over and over again. It's unimaginable that these people would behave this way in real life, but because there is no "society" on the internet there are no "society standards" to limit the Mr. Hyde in all of us.

That irresponsible behavior plays right into the hands of the antis. They don't have to stretch their imaginations to come up with bogymen to worry the public with. We provide them a wealth of poor examples of gun owners endlessly just with the cyber phantom posturing from our own supporters.

To counter the myth of the antisocial trigger happy gun owner with anger control problems THR asked everyone that came here to follow a code of conduct that reflected the day to day real world behavior of the vast majority of Americans. THR is one of the few places on the internet where people that have been made to feel uncomfortable to admit they have a couple of family guns in the house due to the endless propaganda campaign from the antis can come and actually see other normal folks just like them denying the lies of the antis. It's the place that folks who don't have guns, but are curious about what all the noise is about from the antis, can come and see that gun owners are just like they are. The only difference is that we already recognize the lies and propaganda for what it is and we want them to see it as well. We aren't the slavering racist redneck, the abuser of children and women or the angry man behind the wheel just one perceived insult from blasting away at other drivers. We're just like them and their families and their neighbors and we're putting the lie to the antis' fear and hate mongering and doing it by being strong and truthful without being hysterical or strident or foaming at the mouth with hatred ourselves. We won't back down from fighting the lies told about us, but we won't loose our heads in the fight and be goaded into "swinging wildly" and attacking everyone that doesn't leap instantly to our side of the fight. To do so makes us less effective.

We hold to the code of conduct agreed upon when we signed on because we want the folks who come here to get that message that gunowners are like everyone they know or have ever known who they have no reason to fear and have every reason to respect. To keep from turning them off before they can even begin to absorb the truth, we avoid insults and threats and vulgarity and profanity and bloodthirstiness seen on other sites. The antis say that people are supposed to fear and look down upon gun owners. Our response is "come and see for yourself" and then decide who you really should be afraid of.
FTF said:
Why should I be required to "take the high road" to keep my inalienable rights?
You shouldn't be required to. You should want to.

Because anything less is beneath us.
hso said:
Regardless of that fact, the internet is a haven for the truly misanthropic or the misanthropic acting attention-hound. The anonymity of the internet forum allows the worst in people to come out.

The internet truly is a haven for low-lives.

But I disagree that internet forums allow the worst in people to come out. More accurately, it allows people to show their true colors.

Internet forums are an environment with very few consequences. I suppose if one were to threaten the President, or make a bomb threat, someone could report it and legal action could be taken. But for the most part, there are no real-life consequences to what we say here.

I believe that how one acts under such conditions is a reflection of their true character.

I take the high road, not for PC or PR reasons, although those certainly would be adequate; rather, I do so because I AM a gentleman, and I suspect most of you gentlemen would concur.
Does that mean that we will see an end to posters that have lost the way or being educated being referred to as filled with "bloodlust?" I know it's the preferred term of art these days, but it is needlessly perjorative and perfect for the anti-gunners to use.
Master say: "Those who do not understand the way of the High Road should leave the High Road until they grow in wisdom."

Master also say: "Those who do not know how to spell "kowtow" or "kou tou" should not try."
FTF, gunowners are often referred to by the anti-gun crowd as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. We don't care about that crowd, particularly; their minds are made up and facts only confuse them.

We'd like to prove to the neutrals, the fence-straddling voters that the anti-gun folks are wrong about us. We'd like to persuade them to become our allies in voting for candidates for elected office, or in writing letters to editors or electedcritters.

Always remember the ancient truism: You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

All that is required is that we present rational thought in a courteous and polite manner. That's it. There's no trampling of anybody's rights of whatever sort in making that a requisite for posting at The High Road.

Always remember the ancient truism: You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

From my experience with flies, I would say you can catch more flies with doo-doo than you can with honey.

But there is a better way:

Pro 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
I'm far from a fence-sitting anti and I've got to say some of the stuff I've read on THR gives me pause. I think the OP is right on target.

That said, I believe in the 1a as much as the 2a, just be aware of the bigger picture. Better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
He was using the story in the comic book metaphorically. For that matter, one can make a case that comic books and movies are our modern day equivalents of the folk tales that used to be told around the fire.
You think Hercules was any more real than Superman?
Are the tales of the Knights of the Round Table any more true than stories about the Justice League of America?
Metaphor, bogie, nothing more.
Sure, it looks good to "take the high road", but we shouldn't have to take any road at all. There is no road. It's a right. Plain and simple.

I agree. However, there is numerically and vocally increasing portion of our society that disagress. They see the Bill of Rights as the Bill of Priveledges, something to modified to fit their political objectives, edited to align with their version of reality, or changed to assuage their childish fears. Those who wish to seny our rights out of poloitical motivation care nothing for facts, only self promotion and increasing their own power. However, by taking the high road we show the fence sitters that the reality of responsible gun ownership is not as the politicians would have them see it, and that their fears are unfounded. It is our responsibility as gun owners to fight for rights. Part of the battle is being exemplary citizens to undermine the arguements of the politicians, and show the reality of gun ownership to our fellow Americans. If we do not work to maintain our rights then they will be taken from us, just as in Australia and The UK.

Green Latern, excellent post.
While I can easily agree with the Highroad principle, I fear we are preaching to the choir once again. How many non gun-owning people come here and expose themselves to our rhetoric? I myself am considered rather volatile and folks tend to give me lots of personal space, that is how I am percieved by those who don't know me and simply share my work environment. In truth, my job and chosen lifestyle depend on my being diplomatic, making friends of those in government positions that effect my company and its success or failure. I sometimes rant or vent online; that doesn't make me a knuckle dragging redneck or any less entitled to my constitutional rights as anyone else. Remember, that which you do to the least of them you do to me.
How many non gun-owning people come here and expose themselves to our rhetoric?

Some, not a lot but some.

However, THR is a good place to prepare yourself to do rhetorical battle elsewhere. You get access to the data and good strategies for debating the antis where you find them elsewhere on the net and in the real world.

Plus sometimes as a member of the choir I have to go someplace where I can be preached to so I don't lose hope and I can be refreshed in the company of good gun folk. Otherwise, I'd have given up this fight long ago, barricaded myself in a cabin somewhere and just sat waiting for the BATFE to come murder me :uhoh:

Now of those non-gun folk that come here there's a high percentage of anti-gun folk who lurk here just waiting to swoop down and copy a tasty quote that illustrates just how evil us gun culture people really are and paste it elsewhere where it will damage our position. So it would behoove us to mind our P's and Q's.
I don't want anybody trying to debate shall not be infringed. I want them scared to death to even broach the subject.
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