What now?

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Jun 3, 2008
I know that there are some people running around out in the US that believe that since Obama won the presidency that all guns will be confsacted. I know that this is a possibility. But so is drowning when you go swimming. I hear people are selling their collections to avoid confescation. I saw this at my gun shop. But last time I checked there are no confescations. We have been through worse. Take for instance the Clintons. We actually had gun bans. And huss what we came out of it A okay. But of course it took a different president a millions of dollars in legal cost but still it was over ruled. And reamber at that time we did not even have DC VS. HELLAR. We will get through it. So I will give my 2 cents worth on how we can continue our 2nd rights. First renew or up grade memberships to the NRA, GOA, and all the other Pro Gun groups. Write your congress man. Vote for the 2nd. And the most important of all get out there show the people that you are around that gun owners are NOT mentaly duranged, MAD GUNMEN, OR KILLERS. Show them that we are regular people who abide by the law and only use our weapons for legal purposes. Be sure to separate between legal gun owners and a illegal gun owners. Also reamber to fight for your rights. Don't be like the men and women of England who sat at home and let the"OFFICALS" handle their rights. And the most important of all lets all pray for our representives who vote on bills that concern our rights. So here is my 2 cents worth. If you have more to add please post.


People should not panic. Buy the guns and ammo they want and if the libs try to take guns away be willing to fight by contacting their congress and support the NRA. :cool:
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