questions: minorities and the 2A have come up a lot lately.

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Tell him to go to the city, where there's a 20% or so population of other minorities of your race. And see how much better people treat you there. People will say hi to you there, engage you in casual conversation, and generally treat you like a normal person. They actually act friendly.

One of the most racist cities I've ever been in is Los Angeles...people seem less racist & nicer in rural Montana or Wyoming. I don't know.
How many times have I read posters making fun of the way black people talk with poor grammar only to see horrible spelling and grammar on here. Lots of self righteousness there.

One of the reasons I stopped coming here. I have only been into guns for about the last 4 years, but during that 4 years I have heard and read more racist comments and jokes from gun people than in my entire 40+ years prior, and I grew up in a redneck town.

I'm white, my fiance is black. I've seen their world firsthand, and most whites who pass judgement on blacks don't have one clue what they go through, or what it's like to live in their world. Not a clue. They also don't have a clue what it's like to live in the US as any other culture.

The white race in general has enslaved, killed and manipulated the other races more than any other race on this planet. Lands forcibly taken at gunpoint, slaves rounded up, economies destroyed and replaced with European/white economies, all by force. Native Americans exterminated because their land was desirable and it was "God's will." Today, so many economies that used to be farm based or trading based or something other than money have been obliberated by the white/European money dominated scheme, and in many cases originally obliterated at gunpoint in the name of "expansion".

And then whites turn around and say blacks and others should just accept that is the way things are, and they should change to blend in with white society. It sickens and disgusts me the attitudes many whites have, even those who claim to not be prejudiced or racist. Blacks are always blamed for their situations, and always ignored when they do speak out about it, and in many cases they are right when they say they are being held back by racism. I have seen it firsthand through my girlfriend, her family, and others.
The system has been designed to attempt to keep minorities in ghettos, on drugs, killing each other, with no hope to get out, and it's been setup that way on purpose.
I know several blacks who will carry guns wherever they go in inner cities, regardless of whether it's legal or not, because they have to for protection. And they are decent, hard working people, but because they live in ghettos because they don't get paid as much, or get passed over for promotions, or fired if they don't try to fit in with their white counterparts, they are the ones that are causing trouble and being hard to get along with.

Sadly, I don't see that changing any time soon because so many judgemental people just don't get it and never will.
Panthera Tigris, seems like the public education system program of indocrination worked well on you ;) In fact, sounds like you went to college and bought the whole hook, line and sinker.
Anyone with half a brain that bothers to study history can see what has gone on. But, I don't expect anything other than ignorance from this board.
The system has been designed to attempt to keep minorities in ghettos, on drugs, killing each other, with no hope to get out, and it's been setup that way on purpose.

How, pray tell, was the "system" set up this way? Capitalism isn't a formal system, but a lack thereof.
Quote: "The white race in general has enslaved, killed and manipulated the other races more than any other race on this planet. Lands forcibly taken at gunpoint, slaves rounded up, economies destroyed and replaced with European/white economies, all by force. Native Americans exterminated because their land was desirable and it was "God's will." Today, so many economies that used to be farm based or trading based or something other than money have been obliberated by the white/European money dominated scheme, and in many cases originally obliterated at gunpoint in the name of "expansion"."

No, that's the most ignorant pile of dung you'll see on the board regarding this topic.

I had countless professors try to shove that twisted and warped view down my throat... all of them (every single one) either fell silent, or mouthed excuses and justifications when presented with contrary facts.

Slavery existed in Africa prior to contact with Europeans. Slaves were sold by African tribes to white slave traders. White slaves existed in early colonial times. There is abundant racism within the minority community (i.e. 'high yellow,' Japanese vs Korean, etc).

Native Americans had a slave trade prior to contact with Europeans. Many tribes were active participants in the decimation of other tribes, for their own political gain. Native American tribes were extreamly wasteful of natural resources, to the point that they would leave an area virtually uninhabitable when they 'migrated' to a new camp. The only reason their way of life worked, was because they had a very large continent, and a very small population.

Quote "Today, so many economies that used to be farm based or trading based or something other than money have been obliberated by the white/European money dominated scheme"

Ok, so lets take back our BILLIONS in aid. Lets take back our medical techology. Lets not allow ANY of them to study in our country. Lets not send over a single additional food relief shipment. Et Cetera.

Yes, let us assist in their return to a pure agrarian society ;) How well did 'giving' the farms back work in Zimbabwe?

BTW, they would probably resort to even worse tribal warfare than now exists, and the African slave trade (which still exists within that country) would also grow worse.

Oh yeah, OUR society also has shifted by agrarian based to manufacturing and now to high tech (and IP). We must be horrible, since we do the same thing to ourselves that you accuse of of doing to others.

Sure, things have changed. Those who want to be left behind, can still be left behind for the most part. No problem.

BTW, if we switched back to your happy little agrarian based society, the world would suffer massive starvation. The only reason we can feed our current hungry masses is because of modern, industrialized farming.

I am sick of fat, stupid, self-hating, white members of the intellectual elite, sitting in their ivory towers re-writing history.

I have had several tenured professors (at a top ten college) state out right that "Only Japanese-Americans were interned in the States during WWII." Some actually argued the point with me so feverently that spittle flew from their mouth and never did admit that German-Americans and Italian-Americans were also interned. The few that eventually admited it would immediatly marginalize (because who really cares if they were interned, after all they are white).

They make up the same kind of lies about slavery, industrialization, capitalism, et cetera.

So go on with your bad (biased and erronious) self, some of us don't buy the rhetoric... and it ain't because we're racist, it's because we can read and think.
What a long, irrelevant, rant, only slightly related to the statement. You both need numbers to prove or refute that statement.

But yes, basically every culture in the world has racism. Slavery's existed for a long, long time. Not that that makes it any better.
When LBJ backed civil rights and Nixon struck back with the Southern strategy, the battle lines with regards to race and politics were pretty well drawn, and there are still lots of bigots creeping around in the GOP woodpile. For those who remember Reagan's presidential run, did anyone find it a bit odd that he chose to kick off his campaign in the town of Philadelphia, Mississippi with a speech on states' rights? For those not in the know, this little town has one claim to fame:

James Chaney, a 21-year-old black man from Meridian, Mississippi, Andrew Goodman, a 20-year-old Jewish anthropology student from New York, and Michael Schwerner, a 24-year-old Jewish social worker also from New York, helped symbolize the dangers of the civil rights movement as part of what became known as "Freedom Summer." The murders of the three men occurred in Philadelphia, Mississippi, on June 21, 1964, just one day after the trio had arrived in Mississippi. The men had just finished a week-long training on the campus of Western College for Women, now part of Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio regarding strategies on how to register blacks to vote.

(from Wikipedia)

Reagan's reign itself featured many more racist tidbits, and afterward there was Trent Lott's political suicide at Strom Thurmond's birthday party, Bush's recess appointment of segregationist Charles Pickering to the 5th Circuit Court, Bill Bennett's statement that "You could abort every black baby and your crime rate would go down," and the entire political career of Jesse Helms. And that's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

Anti-gun forces, as well as some pro-gun elements, have worked very hard to yoke the RKBA to the Republican party in the eyes of the public. This doesn't lend itself to a positive view of gun rights by minorities, and doesn't bode well for gun owners in general now that the GOP is on its way down.
2A advocates (generally) have allowed themselves to be yoked to the GOP the same way blacks are (generally) yoked to the Dems. In both cases, it has been a disaster--a disaster that is still unfolding for gun owners.

Both groups are told they just cannot ever possibly consider voting for anyone who does have the (R) or (D), respectively, next to their name--and if they even consider a third party candidate, they are "wasting" their vote.

Really? How is allowing your vote to be taken COMPLETELY for granted not "wasting' your vote? We've had years of posts about the abuses of the BATF&E. Who's controlled that for a half a dozen years? You can't go on blaming Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for ever. That last piece of draconian federal gun control legislation still in force was signed by...Ronald Reagan. And so on.

They use us like two dollar whores and we keep coming back for more--and are expected to say "thank you". Blacks are treated the same way by the Dems. And this choice of different sides creates an animosity that most here ackowledge only tangentially.

It is time for people to get out of these boxes. There is a lot of common groud to be found. The true bigots will never move on, but they are dying out statistically--look at the atitudes of young people. For them, a lot of these issues just don't exist much. Interracial relationships are just relationships, and the social mixing of all types of folks (white ,black, brown, Asian) is just not even an issue. This is probably the coolest thing to occur in my lifetime. I just have to try to outlive most of the bigots of all colors to see it triumph completely.

Hurry up an die, bigots--the world is going to move over your bones like a bulldozer.
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