Where are my images used right now?

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I've been using your "Jews : Armed fly their colors, Disarmed wear them" image on a Israel military forum. Hope that's ok, I can add proper credit at the bottom of my signature if you like Oleg.

A few people asked me where I found such a powerful image from, I referred them to a-human-right.
I received your permission a few years ago to use one of your images for a forum avatar. I'm still using it:

I've referred several people to your site, and I may have linked to them from time to time (don't have my archives due to a cheap Chinese power supply in my server), but I don't think I've ever actually posted your images, so everything should be accounted for by your logs.

I'm working on a few things now that might be enhanced by your stuff; I'll contact you for permission when I'm done with the writing.
This is probably obvious, but have you tried doing a Google Images search using your file names? I would bet that many of the people who 'borrow' your images do not bother to change the file names.
Actually, Oleg, if you find someone using your stuff commercially or in an anti role, litigation _should_ be an option.

Oh yeah - remember that picture you took of me at the campground at KCR? I use that as an avatar...
Oleg, I did not mean to refer to any of the approved and encouraged uses. I did speak much to shortly to convey that.
There's a bunch in the "KEEP YOUR LAWS OFF MY GUNS!" and "All I Know About Gun Control Is I Don't Miss My Target" groups on Facebook. As far as I remember they're cited.
I use one of your posters as an avatar on MSN messinger. Is this a Problem? If so i'll remove it. I didnt mean any harm and i have no monetary gain from it.


I've got one (Kit with a suppressed G36k and the "commies aren't cool" shirt) printed and framed on my wall, with your permission.

A few others were used at http://www.csmrc.org/ (although I don't really work with the club anymore, I run the website), again with your permission. Some were used on flyers posted on the campus, others on the website.

Other images from you show up in Fark.com gun-related threads, usually uncredited, and almost always from the pro-gun side.
I printed a few off, and used them as posters on the wall of our shooting club clubroom, over here in the UK.

You can see in this picture from our website



There are more on the other walls, I can get some better ones on Wednesday.
That is an awesome image -- would love to see more such photos. I think my next poster will be devoted to British shooters.

I recall seeing photos of posters put up in Latvia several years ago. Does anyone recall which site had them.
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