I get it now

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Feb 13, 2007
We only have the right to bear defense guns (ie: the topics that pop up often, "What gun to defend against a ________ bear?")...... those must be the "bear arms" referred to in the BOR.

LOL. I couldn't help it. I saw the thread about bear defense and it popped in my head.

Watch as this argument gets picked up by the antis. ("Oh yeah! That's a great idea!" - say they)
Well, it makes sense..... it doesn't say we have the right to "small arms".... it says we have the right to "bear arms".

Although when I did a search online, it seems this has been mocked before.... there are plenty of political cartoons about it.
When I worked for the City Water Dept., we were only allowed to wear city issued T-Shirts and they were damned hot while shoveling, jackhammering, etc.. I claimed the Constitutional right to wear tank tops because every American has the right to Bare Arms.
Didn't work...:eek:

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