Blackpowder TV Show

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Apr 22, 2007
We need a TV show on the Outdoor channel that would come on once a week about blackpowder shooting.It could cover revolvers,building your own flintlock,all the way to inlines,and everything in between.Cleaning procedures,testing loads,shooting the Colt Walker,it could go on forever.

Anybody got any connections to the Outdoor Channel producers or big wigs,make some phone calls.
That would be nice, but about all I see on TV anymore are the modern in-line guns. I would like to see what you offer but just on the old and replicas of old guns.
I've never done blackpowder shooting. I've always had an interest in shooting replica blackpowder guns. I've always wanted to see what it was like to shoot the rifles of the past. (I love watching the volleys fired off after touchdowns when I'm at gilette stadium. I enjoyed the minutemen more than the game.:neener:) But whenever I bring it up I get the "why would you want to shoot that old crap" line. Some people seem to think just because there is newer technology that it is useless and has no purpose. Having an interest in guns and history really makes me want to shoot one. I regret passing up the one chance I had awhile ago.

when they ask you 'why do you want to shoot that old crap?', shot them this.!!! used to be a milk jug full of water...


bp rifles ROCK!!
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