Idea for Oleg Volk?

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Apr 12, 2007
I watched a recent History Channel documentary on American skinheads, which focused on the fact that these people are more subtle in their methods. They also, unfortunately, are imitating Hitler in that they are trying to get power legally--at one point in the show, a skinhead was talking about how as it's legal to openy carry firearms in Arizona, they can use them at their own discretion against who they believe should not be here (not just illegal immigrants). With a bit of research, it seems like the fact that American racists are generally more subtle than ever, but still you get an occasional outburst of violence is true. And these people are more organized than ever also, they have gatherings still, they learn martial arts, they learn to use firearms and other weapons. I think the potential for reaching out to people through the very real fear of racially-motivated crime is high.

My idea is that you could have a smaller minority person, unarmed, facing a small group of skinhead-looking people. The banner could say something like this:
"Racists in America still prowl our streets. Unarmed, you're easy prey."
and then at the bottom,
"Go Armed."
...or something like that. If the general idea of the victim in imminent danger of attack by a group of racists is followed, there's plenty of possible slogans out there.

Just a thought I had, please criticize or improve as you see fit.
Hmm.. racism.

I was gonna say it'd be hard to convince people it happens "here".. but then again it's been hard enough convincing people that home invasions, rape, drivebys and random murder happen "here".

Actually, it'd go really well with some mention of gun control laws formerly only applying to blacks (e.g. georgia etc)

Heck, I'll even be your skinhead :evil:

I don't like it. We deal with gun owner stereotypes all the time and the idea that all skinheads are racist is another one of those. Its a good try, and most people probably don't think of any other skinhead, but it isn't accurate.
Playing devils advocate...

We deal with gun owner stereotypes all the time and the idea that all skinheads are racist is another one of those

Yet many of us have no problem assuming that a kid (of any color) wearing baggy pants and a Wu-Tang t-shirt is a gangsta or a gangsta wannabe, calls his firearm a "Gat", and is probably up to no good...

Skinhead does not equal racist, just like gun owner does not equal redneck, and black man does not equal criminal. Skinheads were quite multicultural well before the racist idiots hijacked the look and name, with the help of the mainstream media.

Now that my nitpick about terminology is over, sounds like a good idea, so long as the individuals in question are clearly shown as being racist idiots. The kind of people who give hard working honest punks and skins a bad name.
Skinhead does not equal racist
+1. A friend of mine gets extremely mad when people equate skinhead with white supremacists, says those aren't true skinheads, they just stole the look then the media ran with it.
It's hard to depict a scene like that without stereotyping.
Skinhead + Red laced Doc Martins with your pants tucked into them + SS/Swastika tattoos or insignias + red suspenders + Thor hammer necklace etc = racist skin head.

Having a shaved head is quite popular but it doesn't make one a skin head.

Once you know what to look for they are ridiculously easy to spot.

That said it would be easy to make a poster with Skinheads etc on it.

Problem is white supremacists account for a ridiculously low violent crime rate against minorities.

A minority is much more likely to be killed by a member of their own race and gender than some racist with an axe to grind. I'm not saying that racists aren't dangerous just that the overall threat they pose to the average black, hispanic, asian, jewish, catholic, etc person is much less than another person from their ethnicity or religious background.

Case in point most violent crimes perpetrated against blacks are done by blacks. Whites done by whites, Hispanics by hispanics etc.

What I think would be more effective would be to show something like

Inner city is a euphemism for the poor/ghetto portions of town, most of the time it is filled with minorities.

When a politician says they want to be tough on guns in the inner city what they really mean is Lets keep weapons out of the hands of the poor minorities.

Funny, wasn't keeping the poor & minorities unarmed the original goal of gun control in the 1800s?

And then have a poster with a black man armed today with a shotgun or something with his family behind him and the back of a skin head in the foreground. And then a sepia colored photo of a black man with a musket/rifle/etc and his family from the 1800s with the back of a KKK guy in the foreground.
I guess if one has read the Turner Diaries, it can make a person that is of the opposite race a bit uneasy.

Anyone who has read stormfront will realize that a number of National Socialists are promoting joining the military to learn "necessary skills", encouraging members to obtain firearms and learn how to use them, encouraging learning martial arts and watching UFC, also learning survival skills.

Now granted, I am not a National Socialist (as I am Jewish), I encourage everyone to be able to defend themselves and own a firearm regardless of their political beliefs. What I don't encourage is violence against another race or violence against another race. Unfortunately with some of the propaganda out there, it's hard to say if someones intentions are pure or violent. I think a poster depicting a person protecting against racism would be good, but at the same time, whites are not the only racist person out there. There are plenty of racist organizations out there of different racial backgrounds and by pointing out that only whites or skinheads are violent seems to be a bit unfair. Lets not forget groups like the Black Panthers or some of the Asian gangs, heck there was even a Jewish gang if I recall called the Stern Gang. Maybe if you made a series of racist posters I guess, although political correctness will probably prevent it :(
This is probably off-topic, but thanks for educating me;) I always thought "skinhead" is just another word for "neo-nazi". Well, here (right next to Germany) it is by now, anyway...The nazis call themselves skinheads and so does the media.
1) Wiki does not equal truth.

2) Anyone can shave their head. However, it takes work and conviction (sometimes several of 'em...) to get all the tattoos, etc., that a bunch of 'em have... If it goosesteps, and blathers about "mud people," and all that other stuff, then it's time for #3...

3) I like seeing skinheads. Why? Because if they're that obvious, they're _really_ easy to avoid. And they make darn fine targets in the pale moonlight...
The idea is not to suggest that racists are a huge danger to minorities, but to reach people who otherwise oppose gun ownership for defense through fear of a determined attacker that can't be negotiated or reasoned with.

BTW, anyone care to link me to Mr. Volk's KKK posters?
Crunker, I think it's a good idea!

A couple tatted up skinheads (only because typical America will understand the reference to racism with the skinhead thing), a couple armed, one holding a noose for bonus points.

Or maybe figure out a way to throw a burning cross into the picture. Maybe a father looking out a window with a 12 gauge, kids behind him, and a cross burning in the yard.
Oh man that last one is a good idea. Man I wish I had photoshop again, I could probably use one of Oleg's previous pictures and a picture of a burning cross to make it.
It is important to be aware of what the symbols you use mean to the general public, but also to the subcultures represented.

Showing a burning cross etc. may be visually compelling, but to a subgroup who see it as a symbol of oppression it could back fire associating your name, cause, etc. with that symbol. For some it is very difficult to get past that initial shock.

As to the issue of skinheads. I listened to a lot of punk and ska when I was young and went to a bunch of punk shows at which there were always at least a few skinheads. I have seen sharps and various other skin heads (bomber jacket, boots, suspenders, some well tatted) they run the gamut from great people who just like to be a bit boisterous and have a good time, to violent sociopaths who use skinhead subculture as a uniform which they take as a general excuse to hurt people

Some people are bad some people are good (in any group or subculture), either way it is a bad idea to throw around labels and symbols that you may not completely understand just because they have power (if you think about it that is by definition propaganda and best left to those that do not have logic, reason, and numbers to support their cause. Namely the gun control fascists)
I almost have to laugh any time I see an obvious neo-Nazi type. The very things they do to themselves to proclaim their "admiration" of Hitler and his idealogy, i.e. the piercings and massive tattoos...are what would have kept them OUT of the Nazi party, the Wehrmacht, and certainly the SS.
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