So what would happen if another assault weapon ban was enacted?

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Congress can't pass an ex post facto law.

That is not what ex post facto means. Ex post facto would be like making it retroactively illegal to purchase an "assault rifle" and then arrest you for buying one last year. It would be completely legal (for ex post facto purposes) for them to pass a law outlawing the possession, transfer, and manufacture of any "assault rifle" after a certain date.
Personally I hope they learned from their mistakes.

I hope they didn't. Because if they did, the only lesson they learned is to be more sneaky and controlling. Instead of a blatant ban that pissed people off, got them kicked out of Congress, and couldn't get enough support to renew, they'll make a new one that sounds a lot better, gets enough support to stay permanant, and does more damage.

But I don't think it really matters one bit. Ammo bans and ammo taxes are where it's gonna be for this new crop of Dims. And it will be a heavy blow to freedom indeed.
Congress can't pass an ex post facto law. If they did, it could be overturned on that basis
Technicaly congress cannot outlaw firearms either without amending the constitution, but they have in the past.

That is a whole different issue though.
You obviously do not understand how Ex Post Facto works.
Ex post facto would be punishing someone for having done something prior to it being illegal. If however something becomes illegal, from that point on it can then be punished, people that did the outlawed activity prior to that date could not be retroactively punished.
That does not apply to grandfathering, that is not required by law. There is no legal requirement other than the 2nd and the other restrictions on congress which are supposed to keep them from legislating about arms at all.

If possession of something is outlawed it can then be punished from that day forward.
Take illegal drugs for example. It does not matter if someone aquired them prior to them becoming illegal. Most illegal drugs were at some point sold over the counter.
On the day they became illegal under the law simply possessing them even if purchased when they were legal it is an illegal action that can be penalized.
Having purchased them could not be penalized if that action was legal at the time, continuing to possess them could be.

If someone commits a crime or action the community is angry about, but the punishment for that crime is relatively minor or it is not even illegal, then a new punishment cannot be retroactively applied to them at a later date when harsher penalties are added or it is made a criminal offense.
That is what no Ex Post Facto means. You cannot change the punishment for something after it was already done and apply it.
I am a pretty optimistic on the a group we are a lot more organized now than back in '94.

The internet is a powerful weapon and grassroots organizational wasn't around then....look at all the anti-gun online polls that we "hit" and turn around in our favor.

All flavors of gun boards out there with untold thousands of members.

If there is another will be a sneaky drive by tacked onto another piece of legislation...only way I can see it going through myself.
Wait... if they passed another AWB ban that included "semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines", it would inlcude guns such as the Browning BAR?
Hopefully. Maybe that would kick people like my old co-worker up off his lazy butt. He alway said, "I couldn't care less what they do about those assault rifles, as long as they leave my deer rifle alone." He shot a Remington .30-06 semi-auto.:rolleyes:
what would make me laugh is if the next one outlaws "rifles of military origin or design" boy all those fudds will be up in arms when their Mausers are suddenly under the knife.
"what would actually happen if someone banned "assault weapons" or handguns... would ours be grandfathered in or would we all become felons overnight? Is there any way they could know who has what for confiscation purposes?"

Look to the West and see it now. This has been occurring incrementally in California for years now, and it seems to be gaining momentum.
Look to the West and see it now. This has been occurring incrementally in California for years now, and it seems to be gaining momentum.

Cali does not represent the west at all, there are far more anti-gun laws on the east side of the country.
short-lived Civil War II

Ha......if 100 LEO's are being killed every day in the entire country, if every month a politician is killed, if every 3 months a judge gets killed, if every 6 months the leader of an anti-gun org gets killed, then there's no such thing as "short lived".

However, since we already know that most Americans all pretty much have vaginas when it comes to risking your life for something you believe in, I'm positive there wouldn't be a civil 2 to begin with.

An I'm also positive that if a near total ban/confiscation was to take place, 99.99% of gun owners will give away their weapons and sit their asses down. The next day, they will march and protest just to make themselves feel better, even though they know it is futile.

That .01% wouldn't have the support to do anything so they'll disappear too.

People don't realize that the gun issue is a VERY BIG one. It's bigger than anything you could ever imagine. Bigger than Healthcare? Yes. Social Security? Yes. Racism? Yes. Economy? Yes. God? Yes.

Gun control has a very depressing history. In the past 100 years, gun control has eventually lead to millions of lives destroyed. It's about one group dominating the other, whatever the cause, be it communism or fascism, etc. I always get the feeling that Americans think the US is special, that horrific things will never happen, that the gov will never do anything unjust, but they don't realize that they are being fixed a huge bowl of steaming crap to eat sometime in the future. Many countries have had the bowl of crap, now it's our turn.
always get the feeling that Americans think the US is special, that horrific things will never happen, that the gov will never do anything unjust, but they don't realize that they are being fixed a huge bowl of steaming crap to eat sometime in the future. Many countries have had the bowl of crap, now it's our turn.

Well said, and sadly, something I have thought for quite a while now, and think is unfortunately, VERY true.
I refuse to believe that most Americans would just give up their guns. The prevalence of Molon Labe on this forum and from what I've seen in other places leads me to believe that a large group of gun owners believes that gun ownership is worth fighting and maybe even dying for.

Guys, stop being so pessimistic. Growing up in Cook County, IL, and now seeing how prevalent gun ownership really is, all I've been is surprised (in a good way) at how many of us there actually are.

We can beat this. Why do you think "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infriged" was written? As a last resort, to use them.

Due to sheer numbers, if even 50% of gun owners fight for their guns, that's about 15 million+ people. I'd say, if united, that could whoop any army the U.S. gov had as opposition.

Whoever compared this to the war on drugs is wrong. Drugs ownership is not the same as gun ownership. Drugs don't give you power over another. Gun ownership goes much deeper than that. People would not die for their drugs but they will die for their freedom.
That’s what happened to the last one.

They took the cowards* way out and let it expire. If they really stood for what they claim to, then they would have repealed the law when they "took over."

*Or "politically expedient" to use the phrase favored by the excuse makers.
What is more likely is that we get one-percenters...

NRA has what, 3,000,000 members?

One percent of that is pretty substantial.

But a bunch of 'em will do stupid stuff, like hole up on the farm with a week's worth of food, and shoot at the mailman.

It's the ones who are -not- organized who will quietly and covertly do things that are the "poison pen" for the gun grabbers. If we had 300 people, quietly and intelligently, looking to remove the folks who caused the legislation, that could have an effect.
Not going to happen, Obama will have to select a conservative Demorcrat to balance the Ticket (Hopefully, Jim Webb); Jim Webb is a CCW permit holder, who actually lives CCW.

Diane Feinstein is a permit holder as are many of the anti-gun 'elite'.
You will have SOME people in law enforcement and in the military go in and follow 'orders' to confiscate any firearms that the NWO R and NWO D power control freaks name 'ILLEGAL'.

You will have a FEW of them refuse to follow those ___ orders.

You will see the gun owners that REFUSE to turn them in to the ANTI GUN NWO control freaks called some pretty bad names - VERY politically INcorrect! Some will be called bad names like ANTI American, anti le, anti troop, home grown terrorist, 'loner' types, trumped up charge or allegation, you name it - fill in the blanks on those BAD names and allegations!

You will see the ones that don't get thrown into jail - DEAD. 'THEY' will claim that those DEFIANT gun owners did themselves in aka suicide. NOT! You will see many of those defiant gun owners killed outright by SOME in LE and SOME in the military because they did NOT turn them in and that was the 'NEW LAW' no matter how wrong that 'law' is or was.

You think that this bs can't happen in the US of A? LOOK at history, connect the dots, follow the money and the power control freaks in the R and D parties... you have some real sickos out there that THINK that they are NOT ONLY ABOVE THE LAW BUT THAT THEIR LIVES ARE WORTH MORE THAN YOURS!

You may not have anything grandfathered in and some MORE guns will be called Assault Weapons. By the way, I absolutely hate that terminology! AW! Pul___leeze! Please - NO!

Yours in liberty,


"America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the ba___ds."
Claire Wolfe
Plan A: vote for freedom and prevent it from happening.
Plan B: bla bla bla
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Plan A: vote for freedom and prevent it from happening.
Plan B: bla bla bla


Too bad that WE THE PEOPLE don't have anyone who really believes in TRUE freedom in the TOP 3 candidates.

Lesser of the evils is still EVIL.

Look at the people in the UK who turned in their firearms in the British 'Empire' and around the world. THEY said that it would never happen to them too. Ha ha... but it did and that is NO joke. Very sad. Gun owners can be their own worst enemies when it comes to some of their chosen 'candidates' in ALL freedom issues including gun rights!

To be honest, I seriously doubt most politicians care if people own guns or even care what guns those are. The anti-gun thing was always a political move to get elected.

Sure there are a few real anti-gun politicians but the vast majority of them just want to stay in power. The only thing we need to do is show them they will lose there positions if they support any anti-gun legislation.
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