We lost President Kennedy 45 years ago today; a proud Life-Member of the NRA.

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Sep 13, 2006
Northwest IL--the other 'Downstate'
They all seem to remember how he was cut down and murdered, take a moment to remind people of how he lived and that he was an avid supporter of American marksmanship and a Life-Member of the National Rifle Association.
Imagine what he would think of some of the people in his party now. :(

(Note: I said some, and am not trying to bash all Democrats, or turn the thing political.)
I remember well the 22nd of November.

I had little use for Kennedy at the time, and even less respect for him today.

Hate like the dickens for any President to meet an untimely end such as that, but his death was no big loss to me.
I remember well the 22nd of November.

I had little use for Kennedy at the time, and even less respect for him today.

Hate like the dickens for any President to meet an untimely end such as that, but his death was no big loss to me.

I used to have that same opinion as you but not now. The JFK assassination was the beginning of the decline of America. We went straight from him to LBJ who was our worst president ever. (so far)
I was a long way from being born, but from what my dad has told me, loosing JFK did more good than harm.

In what way was LBJ better than JFK? How was Americabetter off under LBJ? Name even one way? The turbulant 60's were not turbulant until after JFK died. If you doubt me go watch old Andy Griffith Show reruns. That was the world I grew up in. I am Opie's age. America was just like that show portrays it to be in 1963. All heck broke loose after the assassination. America was a wonderful place and then that commie idiot Oswald stepped in and ruined everything.
Yeah. Charlton Heston was a Kennedy Democrat as well. The American Rifleman obituary of him said he saw the downward direction the Democratic party was taken.
Sometimes we have to remember that Liberal shares a root with Liberty.
The turbulant 60's were not turbulant until after JFK died.

True, but the groups that would make the 60's turbulent were becoming active before '63. The socialists/communists who became the Weathermen and SDS were getting their start.

As for JFK and other Democrats, they were indeed very conservative compared to party members today. JFK pushed through a tax cut to help stimulate the economy, using language nearly identical to Reagan's.

As for the Second Amendment, here's what Hubert Humphrey, a liberal's liberal in the 1960's had to say:

"Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government no matter how popular and respected, is the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. This is not to say that firearms should not be very carefully used and that definite rules of precaution should not be taught and enforced. But the right of the citizen to bear arms is just one more safeguard against a tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible."
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