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Buck reversed their similar trend recently, bringing some PRC-made stuff home to ID for manufacture. They seem to offer neat items now, too - and US-made. Their #347 Vantage Pro, see below with a Spyderco Native for comparison, is a case in point - new this year. It uses the same S30V blade as the $300+ #172 Mayo TNT, substituting a SS frame with CNC-ed G10 scales for the Mayo TNT's Ti frame. The flipper-opened knife has an MSRP of only $75 - mine was ~$56 inc s/h a month or two back. I thought the US-made Gerber Stag Freeman (drop point) was a similar step by Gerber, as most of the Freeman fb/folders are imports. Maybe... if we vote with our wallets...


I have a Applegate Fairnbairn covert folder in 154cm. When I first got it I decided I didn't like the handles. So I used it as a EDC beater whatever I need it for knife. I can't say anything bad about it. I have a couple Benchmades and CRKT M16 series knives, but I would take my covert folder before any of them. I don't care for anything they make in 420 hc though. If you gave me a cheap gerber I would just regift it. I do not like any of their lower end stuff, period.
Gerber knives... are they any good?

In a word, no, not really. And I have several.

I do sometimes carry the Applegate-Fairbairn combat folder, and the mini (covert) folder. They're decent I suppose, but nothing to write home about.
I like my Gerber EVO. It was only $30. It's not for camping, but I think it would be worth all of those 3000 pennies if I got jammed up in a bad encounter.
I like their multitool and I have an AR-3 that I carry. For me the best quality folder has always been the Buck
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