Guns of the Foreign Legion

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Aug 15, 2003
Richmond Tx, CSA
I was bored, browsing thru Google, decided to see what hardware La Legion Estrange packs. Turned up the following:

Personal Weapons:

PA-15 9mm automatic pistol
H&K MP-5SD 9mm submachine gun (CEA Recce Company and 1 CIE Urban Combat Company) - guess they don't suck and are hated
FAMAS 5.56mm assault rifle
FR F2 7.62mm bolt-action sniper rifle
Barret M82 .50 sniper rifle (4 CIE Sniper Company)
M249 Para 5.56mm squad automatic weapon
AAT 7.62mm Machine gun
12gauge pump-action shotgun (1 CIE Urban Combat Company)
(I like this one - an official urban combat gun)

Seems to be some confusion over the sidearms. This website says its the PA15 (which kinda looks like a Hi-Power ripoff):


Or maybe now is a good ol' fashioned Beretta 92. Any ideas?
That's Légion étrangère.

I don't think the MAB PA15 was ever adopted by the French armed forces.
My godson is Royal Marines and spent a little time with Deuxieme REP, these are NOT your classic cheese eating surrender monkeys', seriously hard bast@%(*ds, officers and men.
That PA15 looks like a cheap copy of the Sig P210 with that pivot pin trigger and the high slide cut serrations..... If it functions 50% as well as the 210 I's sure it is a good firearm

Nothing like a Sig,

The Sig, like the CZ range has the top slide running inside the lower reciever. the MAB has it on the outside like a Browning.

As it is the current 9mm in use by the Frogs is the PAMAS G1 which is a modified under licence Beretta 92.

PMAS G1 is a 92G.
Same as the 92F but the slide lever only works as a spring loaded decocking lever.

Sig 550 and 552 Model rifles should also be included because unless things changed the FFL still uses them in Africa.
If none of you have seen this documentary,, click on it and enjoy. It is one of my favorites.

I love the Famas

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