vehicle license plates

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Mine say "GUNRNER" and has 2A crap all over it. Always heard the stories, never had much faith in them. The only issue i have believed is if someone is casing neighborhoods...but i do feel that you have a 50-50, they will either target or dismiss based on you look/stickers
Not just your car, prowlers can follow you to your residence and be pretty much guaranteed they'll find firearms there. Then they simply wait until you're not home and bye bye guns.

You must have more guns than you have money for safes then. I decided that I want to protect my investments. I invented in safes, and a alarm system.
my bumper sticker says my other auto is a 9mm. it has attracted quite a few thumbs up from other drivers.
I don't know about the gun stickers and plates.But the security guard where i use to live told me that the vehicles that had audio stereo advertising like JBL were very likely to get broken into_One guy had a new ford truck with 2 dollars in quarters in the front seat got his window broken out.This was 2 blocks from the police station and in a nice part of town

Somewhere I have a photo I took of a pickup wallpapered in pro-2A stickers and related sentiments.

Tailgate covered. Sides of the bed covered. Back of the cab covered.

If you're driving near that truck on either side or behind it, there's no doubt in your mind what kind of person is at the wheel. And, in addition to thoughts like, "he could be armed," there's the additional thought:

"Don't mess with a crazy person."

vehicle license plates
Is displatying Tex. state rifle association vehicle license plates bad idea?

Is having a sign that says:

- I make 7 figures
- I'm a Wall Street Banker
- Protected by Smith & Wesson
- ...etc...etc...

on your car a good idea? But alas, it is a personal choice.
Around here, huge numbers of vechicles have guns in them regardless of stickers. No permit is required to carry loaded guns in cars. As far as following a car with a gun sticker home to rob the house, I would be hard pressed to think of anyone around here without guns in their homes. This problem must be localized to liberal, low gun-ownership areas of the country.

Even on a trip to our cities, I see 'zillions' of pickups with gun stickers, DU decals, NRA decals, decals of various game animals, state-issued conservation plates (with 8-point buck on them), etc. It is nice not having to hide your interests.
I don't know if pro gun stickers influence theifs to target a car but i do know bumper stickers don't influence people to change their views so say play it safe.
Over here you'd be best advised to drive a banged up 240 Volvo unless you want to be stoned.. with rocks. Drive a clean Mercedes or heaven forbid a nice pickup, etc.. with or without certain stickers in many parts of town, good luck to your car.
Around here, huge numbers of vechicles have guns in them regardless of stickers. No permit is required to carry loaded guns in cars. As far as following a car with a gun sticker home to rob the house, I would be hard pressed to think of anyone around here without guns in their homes. This problem must be localized to liberal, low gun-ownership areas of the country.

+1. When you live out in the country, almost everyone has guns. I can only think of one person around here that doesn't have a gun, and he was originally from Nebraska. He's never even shot a gun. I've offered to take him out to go shooting, but he doesn't want to.
I display NRA Benefactor decal. Dont care who knows or thinks what. I also have an NRA cap and vest that I am not ashamed or afraid to wear. I have had many comments on the hat and vest (all positive). The decal has never been mentioned.
I don't have any decals on my truck. Lots of real gang members in the city. It would be just my luck that a gang member that knows how to read would get some ideas because of my gun decals!!
I just recently heard about gang members placing tags on vehicles parked at gun shows and exhibitions to tip them off later if they see them parked in a better location to burgle.

sent the question to the san antonio pd chief.detective emailed back,he emailed back,nope

eat more possum plates available on
If you live in the city, it is not a good idea to draw attention that you are a gun owner.
Everyone here is expected to have a gun unless it's proven otherwise.
Heck no. Display your Texas State Rifle Association plates with pride -- the more people see, the more they realize how mainstream guns are.
I agree with Vern 100%!
Myself, I'm proud to have an NRA sticker on my truck.
So am I and I show it!
No gun references but I do advertise my martial arts involvement. Obviously you might be inviting comments or worse with gun plates or stickers.

Hell's bells, the way things are going nowadays, I even took my ham plates off my car a couple of years ago. You don't need to be paranoid to think this ain't a bad idea especially if you live in or near a large city.

My former wife had her passenger window broken just so they could get a full pack of cigarettes sitting on the seat. That was the only thing missing.


( ^ Just wishful thinking. Generated off one of those on-line license plate generators.)

If this one won't make people keep their distance, I don't know what would:



Terry, 230RN
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Stolen guns aren't that valuable to thieves, at least not as valuable as you would think. They can't sell them anywhere reputable, and if they are felons or committing felonies, having a firearm doesn't help their sentencing. Now I'm not saying it doesn't make your car more vulnerable to a smash and grab because obviously crooks aren't all rocket scientists,------- but someone following you home to steal your guns??? come on...
Stolen guns aren't that valuable to thieves, at least not as valuable as you would think. They can't sell them anywhere reputable, and if they are felons or committing felonies, having a firearm doesn't help their sentencing. Now I'm not saying it doesn't make your car more vulnerable to a smash and grab because obviously crooks aren't all rocket scientists,------- but someone following you home to steal your guns??? come on...
That does not compute. Sometime things are random and sometimes things are marked/targeted. If someone wants a certain score/sees a certain thing, they might take note and act. This is caveman logic.
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