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Feb 13, 2003
Central Florida
Just ran across this-thought a few might be interested.

In August 2005, Governor Mike Easley (D) signed into law SB 464, which established a National Rifle Association license plate for North Carolina motor vehicles. Before the plates become a reality, however, 300 North Carolinians need to commit to purchasing them. We still need many more members to sign up. This is a great way for members to show their support for their Second Amendment Rights. Please contact the NRA Western North Carolina Field Representative, Doug Merrill, at (828) 628-0410, for more information on obtaining an NRA plate. You will need to submit a check for $10.00 for a standard plate, or $40.00 for a personalized plate, in addition to filling out an application.
Hmmm . . . is there any BETTER way of telling a bad guy that there might be something (guns) worth stealing in a vehicle parked somewhere than an NRA tag?

Is there any BETTER way of letting some left-wing blissninny who hates guns know that a vehicle belongs to a gun owner? (Lots of blissninnies don't have much respect for other people's property, either.)

Is there any BETTER way of signaling to local LEOs that you might have guns than out-of-state NRA plates as you're driving through Chicago or New York (while en-route to someplace civilized) for your vacation?

I understand the sentiment, but I try to maintain a low profile with my vehicle, so there are no "special" plates, no bumper stickers, and no indications of my politics on it.
HankB said:
I understand the sentiment, but I try to maintain a low profile with my vehicle, so there are no "special" plates, no bumper stickers, and no indications of my politics on it.


Also you've got the lefty terrorists who will vandalize your car for so much has having a Bush bumper sticker on it. Here in my neck of the woods, they would even vandalize your home during campaign season if you had Bush signs in the front yard.

I guess they didn't know what to make of my Badnarik sign. I got through it alright.
FWIW, Mississippi has those tags too; at least we will if enough people order them. It seems to me if one is afraid/unwilling to publicize his/her opinions/politics, one might as well not live in a free country. :rolleyes:
I'd get one but I guess it would be frowned upon, NC plates on a TX car.

As far as "advertising".
I've had NRA, Bush stickers, 2nd Ammendment bumper stickers, TX State Rifle Association stickers, etc on my cars and trucks for as long as I can remember.

The day that I become so afraid of displaying what I think about guns or politics I'll just turn in my guns to the Brady Bunch and the criminals.

Standing Wolf said:
Amen! I believe people who are afraid to exercise their civil rights don't still have them.

I agree, and good for Mr. Easley...but there's another expression that may apply, politics notwithstanding...

To wit:
"Discretion is the better part of valor."

Not sure that I want to drive around with a sign on my truck that announces:

"I have guns! Follow me home!"
45crittergitter said:
FWIW, Mississippi has those tags too; at least we will if enough people order them. It seems to me if one is afraid/unwilling to publicize his/her opinions/politics, one might as well not live in a free country. :rolleyes:

How many are needed and how many have been ordered?
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